Spice bush
Vital statistics
10' tall and may be wider than tall, shrubby but may be
pruned to one or a few trunks to make a graceful small tree.
Grow in shade or sun. Best with steady moisture. Tolerant of wet
All parts fragrant. Small gray fruits aromatic and useful as a
flavoring in cooking.
North American native Lindera benzoi is hardy to
zone 4 ( zone 3 in protected places. Asian species L.
anugstifolia and L. glauca are hardy to zone 5 and
perhaps to zone 4 -- they are new enough in the trade that only
time and helpful gardeners reporting on the shrubs' performance
will tell on that point.
Spring color
Fall color
Spring color
Spicebushes (Lindera species) bloom yellow in
early spring. In a natural setting in a wooded area a copse of
spicebush may appear as a haze of pale yellow. When the shrubs are
grown in sun, they are thickly clad in more intensely-colored
Fall color
Spice bush (Lindera species)
Below: Common spice bush, native to shady moist woods in
eastern North America, Lindera benzoin.

Below: A spicebush native to northeast Asis, Chinese
spicebush, Lindera angustifolia. The leaves blaze orange
in late fall, persist parchment color through winter, and drop in
spring as new leaves emerge.