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What the forum's about
The forum is the place to post questions*, discuss news and
opinions and surf for inspiration. You can go directly to a
category that interests you and scroll through its topics, search
for specific items anywhere on the board or check out the latest
posts across the whole wide, deep field.
We hope you'll not only read, but post your own experiences and
questions. That's how we've learned, and keep on learning -- by
listening at the grapevine, and doing our own rattling of its
* (You can also drop us an email; we answer directly. We do
then take items from our individual emails and post them at the
forum if we think the community there would like to know about them
or add to them.)
So many plants, so many situations
In one lifetime, none of us can learn all the possibilities.
Change one variable, from soil acidity to sowing date, neighboring
plant or the gender of the dog that passes regularly, and a plant
will grow differently. It may require frank talk with a dozen
gardeners before you hit on the combination that might make the
difference you want, or explain the one you saw. You can do that
here, talking to one, a dozen or a hundred people all at once. It's
exponential learning, possible when everyone gives and takes.
Have fun! Together we grow a community
So please explore our forum and glean helpful facts. Click
Visit the forum
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tutorial in using the forum.
Learn about our forum moderators.
*Hopping to our Forum opens a
second window or tab on your browser. Come back here to
the rest of our site whenever you want to, by closing or minimizing
the forum window.
We have done such pop-up linking elsewhere on our site. We mean
it to be as if you are sitting in a chair with a great garden
book and each time you think, "That's interesting, wonder where I
can learn more about that?" someone appears at your elbow holding
another book open right to the right page, and keeping it open
there for as long as you want to see it. We hope you will tell us
if it works that way for you or you'd rather see it done another

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