Gardening friends....!
We're here to share our experience in all garden topics: Design,
choosing plants and materials, and simplifying landscape care. What
we've learned in 30 years proefssional gardening and writing, we
store here where everyone can use it.
Weekend gardeners and professionals have all told us that Garden
A to Z is helpful, practical and unique. It includes:
• Our library of solutions (What's Up)
Weekly webinars! Act quickly for 60% savings on your
• A place for questions and views (Forum)
• How you can help: (Sponsor us).
• Where to see us (upcoming
or send comments (Contact Us). Every topic we dig into for you
helps all of us grow!
(Read the story behind the
homepage image to the left.)
What's Up 180: Spirea, phlox thinned, arb reduced

Find answers, post questions, help others on our expert-moderated forum.

Here's all the dirt on your hosts,
Janet and Steven.
30 years of experience ~ What can we do for you?
We are Janet Macunovich and Steven Nikkila. We have 30 years
experience as professional gardeners and trainers. We share
with you what we've learned in thousands of gardens about
practicality, beauty, fun and simplicity. These are tried-and-true
ideas and tools that we've developed or received from others, and
present here in easy, illustrated how-to's.
We add new information every day, and plan to keep at it for at
least another 30 years. It's invigorating and rewarding to help you
grow or connect you to others who will help.
Being part of our network is free. We make our living as
gardeners and intend to keep it that way. There are no ads on this
site, but you will find links to businesses that supply the plants
and materials we mention.
about us and why we do this...
Read about in
the photo to the left.