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Shade tree with sweet scent, pages 1 - 3
Toxic locust, deadly cocoa hulls? Pp. 3 - 4
Small trees, mighty fragrance, pp. 5 - 7
Earwigs, the creepy good guys, page 8
Cut back spring bloomers, pp. 9 -
Freeing the peonies, page 9
Slug it out with a rose bug, pp. 10 - 11
Fertilize like you mean it, page 11
Still time to tame oversized shrubs, p. 12
Sunburned plants make comeback, p. 12
Getting nosey about sex: Hollies, page 13
45 mph herbicide alert, page 13
Date and weather forecast from mock orange and peony, page 14
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Actinidia, kiwi vine
male and female plants Pg 13
annual flowers
not hardened off Pg 12
Aquilegia columbine
cut back after bloom Pg 9
bees, trees valued for honey Pg 3
birds, hummingbird Pg 6
butterflies and
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butterfly magnet Pg 6
Calla, not hardened off, foliage scorched Pg
Catalpa, fragrance Pg 14 
Celastrus, bittersweet
male and female plants Pg 13
Centaurea montana, perennial
cut back after bloom Pg 9
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uses shrub as support Pg 12
Clethra alnifolia, summersweet
use as a small tree Pg 7
amounts, types, application technique and time required Pg
heavy feeders Pg 11
leaf color indicates need Pg 11
too little a waste of time Pg 11
flowers susceptible to storm damage Pg 14
beautybush Pg 6
black locust Pg 2
Catalpa Pg 14
elderberry Pg 6
honey locust Pg 3
mock orange Pg 14
sargent crabapple Pg 6-7
seven son shrub Pg 5-6
summersweet Pg 7
honeysuckle Pg 5-6
Viburnum Pg 7
gardener's health and safety
any new plant a potential hazard Pg 4
exposure to pesticide Pg 13
Geranium, perennial geranium/cranesbill
cut back after bloom Pg 9-10
Gleditsia triacanthos, honey locust
fragrance means thorns Pg 3
hardening off
acclimate to sun as well as cold Pg 12
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Heptacodium miconioides, seven son shrub
fragrant Pg 6
use as small tree Pg 6-7, 12
herbs, chervil, scorched when not hardened Pg 12
Hydrangea, fertilizer Pg 11
Ilex, holly
male or female Pg 13
sex apparent when in bloom Pg 13
insects, earwigs, not all bad Pg 8
invasive plants, honeysuckle Pg 6
Iris germanica, bearded iris
susceptible to storm damage Pg 14
Kolkwitzia amabilis, beautybush
fragrant Pg 6
use as small tree Pg 6-7
leaves, color of new foliage indicates fertilizer need Pg
Lonicera, honeysuckle shrubs and vines
Lonicera japonica 'Hallsiana', Hall's honeysuckle fragrant
vine Pg 6
Lonicera maackii, Amur honeysuckle Pg 6
Lonicera morrowii, Morrow's honeysuckle Pg 6
Lonicera tatarica, tatarian honeysuckle Pg 6
Lonicera x bella, Bell's honeysuckle Pg 6
Malus, apple/crabapple
Malus sargentii, sargent crabapple Pg 6-7
cocoa hulls use around pets not the danger you think Pg
native plants can be invasive Pg 2, 3
Paeonia, peony
deadhead as disease control Pg 9
susceptible to storm damage Pg 14
Papaver orientale, oriental poppy
cut down after bloom Pg 1, 9-10
susceptible to storm damage Pg 14
perennials cut back after bloom Pg 1, 9-10
pesticides safe use Pg 13
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rose slug Pg 10-11
Philadelphus, mock orange
fragrance tells date Pg 14
photos worth remembering
black Labs ask 'Are we there yet?' Pg 4
problems diagnosis
problem limited to old foliage Pg 12
summer cut-back Pg 12
common sense not very common Pg 13
grow plants, you are surrounded by chemistry Pg 4
Voltaire, odd thing about common sense Pg 13
Robinia pseudoacacia, black locust Pg 1-2, 3
problems Pg 2, 3
golden 'Frisia' Pg 3
purple flowered dwarf 'Purple Robe' Pg 3
thornless dwarf 'Inermis' Pg 3
Rosa, rose
pests Pg 10-11
Salvia, sage
Salvia superba, ornamental perennial Salvia
cut back after bloom Pg 9
Sambucus, elderberry
Sambucus nigra, European elder Pg 6
use as small tree Pg 6-7
sex apparent when plant blooms Pg 13
grown as small tree Pg 5-7, 12
fragrant Pg 7
use as a small tree Pg 7
Viburnum x burkwoodii, Burkwood Viburnum Pg 7
Viburnum x juddii, Judd Viburnum Pg 7
weeds, herbicide use Pg 13
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