Will you help us begin the new order?
It's high time for the experience in this gardening community to
merge with that fast paced crowd just beginning to plant trees,
replace old shrubs, clip, dig and mow.
So we're designating April 26, 2014 from 10 am to 4 pm as
Instant Answer day on our Forum. On that day we'll "camp out" at
the Forum to help those who need to know, now, "What is
this?" and "Can I cut this" or "Is this a weed or what?" Anyone new
to or mystified by gardening or yardwork who has a smart phone or
other internet device can take a photo, send it to our Forum with
their question, and we'll get them an answer - stat.
Right, and below: It's fun to work in groups, to test
yourself, to see great things accomplished through team
The answer team forms:
Join us!
Our first partner in this effort is the Waterford Township
Library, providing us a base of
operations. You can join our answer team in
person in
the library's conference room. (5168 Civic Center
Waterford, MI; bring a wireless-enabled laptop, tablet
smart phone if you have one.)
Or you can field questions from your own home, by
on to the Forum during our Instant Answer time and letting
know when you're ready to catch as we relay what's
tossed in.
We also hope that everyone in this community will tell friends
that April 26 is a very good day to tap into GardenAtoZ's
thousands-strong advisory committee.
If you can help, send us an email.
Info@GardenAtoz.com We're working out the
schedule now and can include you. Come for an
hour or the day, in person as a virtual presence.
We know you, too, love to help others grow. Although we
can't be there in person for all those new and inexperienced
gardeners who'll venture out to do spring clean up, we'll lend a
valuable virtual hand with Instant Answers. Join us on April 26,