Wisteria's spring cut
Dear Janet & Steven
Thanks for the invitation to help
prune that vine at a botanical garden. We'd love to, but we have to
pass, this time. How did the pruning go? - P.N. -
99% done! It was indeed a very fine day. Cloudy for a brief
time, just long enough to make us grateful for the sun and still
Four of us tackled four wisteria vines that had accumulated
excess wood a little at a time over their 20 year reign. We sorted
out the main trunks, sawed off branches that had strayed beyond
bounds, and clipped off thin unbranched vines (they lacked flower
buds; their contribution this spring would have been to obscure the
blooms with their emerging foliage). We took off enough wood to
pack a pick-up truck twice over and called it a day.
We'll prune it again in July to shorten all the new growth. That
keeps it neater and lower while letting more light reach the
developing buds of older branches beneath the young shoots.
Sunlight and warmth ripens those buds so they become flowers.
Trimmed twice a year this way, the plant remains flatter on its
pergola -- an easier reach for the gardener -- and the blooms are
displayed without the interference of early-leafing flowerless

Above: From the detailed instructions for pruning
Wisteria in What's Coming Up 8.
Download the pdf to read
What's Coming Up 8
When we have short lead time,
we invite special friends
If you didn't know about this wisteria pruning opportunity but
would have wanted to be there, drop us a line to be added onto the
special-invitation list of those who have attended our free,
hands-on Garden By Janet & Steven sessions. We try to
publish all upcoming Garden By Janet & Steven dates on
our calendar, but sometimes special
opportunities arise suddenly. Then we notify those on this short