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Garden in a sand box, pp. 1-2
Fixing hard-packed soil, pp. 2-3
Boulder explode: Sand. Pg. 3
Enlist 'em now: Nature's tillers, pg. 4
Help for a dry Japanese maple, pp. 5-7
The twice-planted new spruce, pp. 7-9
Reduce or reshape a burning bush, pp. 9-10
Hummingbird moth poses, pg.10
Chapter two: Then the yew died! Pp. 10-11
Fine courtyard tree is just a bush, pp. 11-12
Tips from Milwaukee peonies, pp.12-13
Glad to help renovate lawn, pg. 14
Time to weed & remake beds, pg. 15
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Acer, maple
Acer palmatum, Japanese maple problems, Japanese maple
Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen' Pg 1, 5
Acer palmatum problems, leaves dry out Pg 5
Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' coral bark maple Pg 1,
Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' Pg 11
Betula, birch
roots Pg 7
blackhaw, See Viburnum (below)
burning bush, Euonymus (below)
butterflies and moths
hawk moth Pg 10
site drives plant selection Pg 11
tree for small courtyard Pg 11-12
difficult sites
dry sites Pg 5-7
design for dry places Pg 5-7
Euonymus alatus, burning bush
dwarf burning bush size and growth rate Pg 9
burning bush pruning Pg 9-10
seven son shrub, Heptacodium Pg 11-12
witchhazel, Hamamelis Pg 12
gardens, public gardens
Boerner Botanical Garden, Milwaukee, WI , Pg 12-13
Holden Arboretum, Willoughby, OH Pg 12
Hamamelis, witchhazel
small tree Pg 12
Heptacodium miconioides, seven son shrub
as small tree Pg 11-12
Hydrangea paniculata, panicle Hydrangea as small
tree Pg 11
lawn renovation Pg 14
leaves edges dry out Pg 5
Malus, apple/crabapple
diseases Pg 11
Malus 'Weeping Red Jade' Pg 11
Paeonia, peony
'Avalon' Pg 13
'Cheddar Surprise' WU 111 Pg 13
disease resistance Pg 12-13
'Estafette' Pg 13
fall color Pg 12-13
'Lois Kelsey' Pg 13
Picea, spruce
recognizing when a tree is planted too deep Pg 9
Picea pungens glauca, Colorado blue spruce
size and growth rate Pg 9
spruces Pg 7-9
aftercare, comparison to established plants Pg 6, 7-9
planted too deep Pg 8
potbound roots Pg 6, 7-9
problem diagnosis
pattern of leaf damage Pg 5
cut back hard Pg 9-10
shrub dies/dieback after pruning Pg 10-11
Quercus, oak
roots Pg 7
croquet things, lying idle 1 Pg 14
Darwin, Charles Darwin, plough ... most valuable.. invention
Pg 4
Dawson, Bee Dawson, attempts at a lawn Pg 14
land was... ploughed by earthworms Pg 4
Linnaeus, Carl Linnaeus, know the names of things Pg 14
renovate a garden, timing Pg 15
growth rate Pg 7
potbound Pg 6, 7-9
seasonal change
fall color Pg 13
Sedum spectabile, tall stonecrop
on hard pan soil Pg 2
pruned as small tree Pg 11-12
pruning for shape Pg 9-10
soil and bed preparation
assisted by soil animals Pg 4
hard pan, compacted areas Pg 2-3
tilling Pg 14
clay, good points and bad Pg 3
drainage , Pg 2-4
perched water table Pg 2
loam, good points and bad Pg 3
loose soil over hard pan Pg 1
sand as amendment in heavy clay Pg 1-2
sand soil's good points and bad Pg 1-2, 3
silt Pg 3
Taxus, yew
yew died after pruning Pg 10-11
yew Taxus cuspidata Pg 11
yew Taxus x media Pg 11
roto-tiller Pg 14
soon after planting Pg 7-9
compete with new plants for water Pg 6-7
small trees Pg 11-12
as small tree Pg 11
Viburnum prunifolium, blackhaw Viburnum Pg
Viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga' Pg 11
feel the soil to judge need for water Pg 5
automatic system not enough during drought Pg 5
weeds and weeding
Houttuynia 'Chameleon' as a weed Pg 15
winter damage
can become apparent at midsummer Pg 6
soil improvers Pg 4
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This issue has been Sponsored by Sherry Jones

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