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this issue
Watering: How often? (Or: The rain that came lasts how long on
my plain?)
Pruning to trick a wisteria into bloom
Mulling over Milorganite and other sludge-based fertilizers
Fall is for fertilizing... isn't it?
Leaf color stars in the 45mph garden
Will a touch of cinnamon make roses healthier?
In our gardens: Check root growth, lift cannas, save seeds, the
last tomatoes
Photos below, right: In this issue we explain why you should
cut off all thin unbranched canes of a wisteria and cut branches
back to the stubby spurs, each March and July!
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Did you come
here to this page by doing a Search?
In this issue you will find answers to these Search
Chemical cues to wisteria bloom

Chinese wisterias
Cinnamon as fungicide
clay soil
Curing tubers
decomposed organic soil
dry soil
End of season tomatoes
Fertilizer, chart form
Fertilizer, how much, when to apply
Fertilizer, to use
Fertilize with sludge
Gardenviews, Northville, Michigan
How to make a Wisteria bloom
juvenile wood, wisteria
Lou Mascolo
Milorganite fertilizer, Milwaukee organic nitrogen
Non-blooming wisteria vine
Nutrient values in simple chart form
Organic matter
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Virginia creeper
Physical cues to wisteria bloom
Poison Ivy
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Prune wisteria, Pruning wisteria
Roots, new tree
Sand, organic matter
Sandy garden, fertilizing
Saving seeds
Slow release fertilizers
Slow release organic fertilizers
Storing Dahlias
sun's effect on watering
Tomatoes, how to ripen
Training a wisteria vine
Virginia creeper
wind's effect on watering
Wisteria pre-bloom signs
Wisteria vine, when to train Wisteria
Wisteria bloom time, Wisteria blooming
Wisteria, when Wisteria blooms
Wisteria, fertilizing
Wisteria, interactions with sunlight
Wisteria, prune, what to do, when
Many thanks to Sponsor and fellow Detroit Zoo
Adopt-A-Gardener Debi Slentz, who
provided key words so our Search would "See into" this pdf-format
issue. With the generous help of gardening friends, this website
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this issue

Above: There are detailed instructions for pruning
Wisteria in What's Coming Up 8.
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