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Last fall, we saw dead spots in our lawn - dead but for
a little patch of green in the center. We took a piece of the bad
sod to our garden center and learned it was a disease called frog
eye or necrotic ring spot. We were advised to stop fertilizing and
think about putting a fungicide on the lawn. We did both, and hoped
that would end it but now this week we think we can see it starting
again. What now? M.E., Waterford
Few people in Michigan know lawns better than Oakland County MSU
Extension Agent Greg Patchan. Here's what he told me about your
Dead rings of brown grass that appear in cool weather are the
trademark of necrotic ring spot, a fungus disease. If you look
close around the still-green outer edge of these dead spots, that
grass is peppered with purplish grass blades.
It's difficult to "medicate" because over-the-counter fungicides
aren't very effective against this disease. Even stronger
fungicides available to licensed professionals give only partial
control. What works better is to change underlying growing
conditions that make the lawn susceptible. Once present in the
soil, necrotic ring spot fungi don't go away but symptoms may
subside as the grass becomes stronger. Such a lawn can literally
outgrow this, putting on new root faster than the fungus can kill
Bluegrass is likely to succumb to this disease when grown on
soil that's rich but compacted - packed down, with little or no air
space between soil particles. Chances of disease are worse if the
lawn is also stressed by lack of water.
Aerate your lawn every year in spring or fall. Lawn services
offer aeration, or you can rent a core aerator to pull plugs of
soil from the lawn, leaving small air pits that help bring needed
oxygen into the soil.
Switch from quick-release fertilizer to a slow release product -
preferably an organic one such as Milorganite, Sustain, or Lawn
Restore. These products make nitrogen slowly available,
contributing to more balanced growth. Continue to aim for 5-6
pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet per year.
This may mean an increased bulk of fertilizer, since some slow
release products have less nitrogen per bag than other lawn
fertilizers. For a 1,000 square foot lawn, annual usage may be 25
pounds of 20-10-10 fertilizer to net 5 pounds of actual nitrogen -
that 20 on the label means it has 20% nitrogen, by weight. You'll
get the same amount of nitrogen from 83 pounds of a 6-4-4 slow
release formula, since 6% of 83 is about 5.
Check soil moisture by digging a pit 4" deep and feeling the
soil at the bottom. We had below average rainfall in March, and
some soils may be quite dry, contributing to grass stress. If the
soil under your lawn feels warm and dry, begin watering. Water
lightly - maybe 20 minutes - every day or two through spring and
summer if rainfall doesn't provide about 1-1/2" of water each
This fall, or even this spring, overseed with grass that's
resistant to this disease. Read the ingredients label of the seed
mix and use one that includes variety names America, Majesty,
Midnight, Monopoly, Able 1 or Adelphi.
I have perennials planted along a privacy fence in my
back yard. We are having that fence replaced as soon as the weather
permits. What can I do with the plants in the meanwhile, because
they have to be moved. There aren't any exotic plants, just
daylilies, chickens and hens, lambs ear, violets, phlox, a few
seedling trees and a few unknowns. K.W., Westland
Take them out now. Perennials can be moved all year, but results
are often best from fall or early spring moves, before they start
producing the next season's foliage. We'll see a spurt of leafy
growth after our first warm, wet weather. Until then, the plants
grow root and wait. Moved when it's cool, they'll root well into
new homes and won't produce more leaf than their resized root
masses can sustain.
Take as much root as possible - the size of root ball will vary,
small for shallow rooted lambs ear, bushel-sized for daylily. Start
digging as far out from the crown of the plant as its foliage
spread last year. Work inward until you find roots, then dig a
circle of that radius around the crown. Pop the whole root mass out
of the ground and either transfer it right away to a "holding
garden" - maybe a corner of the vegetable garden - or put it into a
plastic garbage bag for storage in a cool garage.
Plants "on hold" will be fine until the soil in the root ball
gets warm get warm - above 50° or so. At that point they start into
top growth and need sunlight. One of my gardening clients has had
plants on hold in garbage bags since a well repair disaster in
early March forced her to dig them up. We made a mid-April date to
repair the soil in that garden and replant, and so far the weather
hasn't given us any reason to change the plan!
First published 4/1/95
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