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Shaded lawn fades: Time to let it go?
Groundcovers for shade,
Are we holding the line on ash borer?
Stave off sooty mess under pines
Shrubs and vines: Cut now... ...and how!
Cold barks a Japanese maple
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of these topics in this issue:
Acer, maple
Acer palmatum Japanese maple winter damage WU86 Pg
Aegopodium podagraria, goutweed
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegata', snow on the
mountain, groundcover to replace shady lawn WU86 Pg
Ajuga reptans design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
andromeda, Pieris
Anemone, windflower, Anemone canadensis, Canada anemone
design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Below: Pruning a hawthorn in late March at a Garden By
Janet & Steven session. Photo ©2010 by the pruning students
c/o this website

arborvitae, eastern white cedar Thuja
archangel, Lamiastrum
Arenaria verna, Irish moss design for groundcover quilt WU86
Pg 2-3
Aronia, chokeberry pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Asarum canadensis, wild ginger design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Astilbe chinensis, dwarf Astilbe design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Athyrium goeringianum, painted fern design for groundcover
quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
azalea, Rhododendron
barberry, Berberis
barren strawberry, Waldesteinia
barrenwort, Epimedium
bayberry, Myrica
beautyberry, Callicarpa
beautybush, Kolkwitzia
bellflower, Serbian bellflower, Campanula
Berberis, barberry pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Bergenia cordifolia, pigsqueak design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Brunnera macrophylla, bigleaf forget me not design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Buddleia davidii, butterfly bush pruning guide WU86 Pg
bunchberry, Cornus
Buxus, boxwood pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Callicarpa, beautyberry pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Campanula, bellflower
Campanula poscharskyana, Serbian bellflower design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Campsis radicans, trumpet vine pruning guide WU86 Pg
Carex muskingiemensis, palm sedge design for groundcover
quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Caryopteris, blue mist spirea pruning guide WU86 Pg
Chaenomeles japonica, quince pruning guide WU86 Pg
Chamaecyparis pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
chokeberry, Aronia
Chrysogonum virginianum, golden star design for groundcover
quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Clematis pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Clethra alnifolia, summersweet pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
comfrey, Symphytum
Convallaria majalis, lily of the valley groundcover to
replace shady lawn WU86 Pg 3
Cornus canadensis, bunchberry design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Cornus mas, cornelian cherry bloom signals pine aphid
emergence WU86 Pg 6
Cornus pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
Cotinus, smoke bush pruning, smokebush pruning guide WU86 Pg
Cotoneaster pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Crocus bloom as signal to fertilize WU86 Pg 5
cut flowers WU86 Pg 15
design for a quilt of groundcover WU86 Pg 2-3
design, matching plants to site WU86 Pg 1
Deutzia, pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
dogwood, Cornus
Dryopteris marginalis, leatherwood fern, design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
elderberry, Sambucus
Epimedium, barrenwort, design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg
Epimedium x versicolor, barrenwort
Euonymus pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
experts referenced, MacKenzie, David MacKenzie, Hortech
Groundcovers Nursery WU86 Pg 3
fern, leatherwood fern, Dryopteris
fern, New York fern, Thelypteris
fern, ostrich fern, Matteucia
fern, painted fern, Athyrium
fertilizer, Crocus bloom signals time for fertilizer WU86 Pg
foamflower, Tiarella
Forsythia pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
Fothergilla pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
Fraxinus, ash tree, emerald ash borer WU86 Pg 4-5
trees pest control expense WU86 Pg 5
Galium odoratum, sweet woodruff, design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Geranium, cranesbill design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg
Geranium macrorrhizum, bigroot perennial geranium
geranium, perennial Geranium
golden star, Chrysogonum
goutweed, Aegopodium
grass for shade, golden satin grass, Japanese forest grass,
groundcover for shady area, three rules of groundcover WU86 Pg
Hakonechloa macra, Japanese forest grass design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Hamamelis, witchhazel pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
Hedera helix, English ivy groundcover to replace shady lawn
WU86 Pg 3
Hibiscus syriacus, rose of Sharon pruning guide WU86 Pg
honeysuckle, Lonicera
Hydrangea pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
Hypericum species, St. Johnswort pruning guide WU86 Pg
Ilex holly pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
insects, beneficial insects: hoverflies, lacewings, lady beetles,
predacious midge WU86 Pg 6
Itea virginica, sweetspire WU86 Pg 11
ivy, English, Hedera
Juniperus juniper pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
Kerria pruning guide WU86 Pg 10
Kolkwitzia amabilis, beautybush pruning guide WU86 Pg
Lamiastrum galeobdelon, yellow archangel groundcover to
replace shady lawn WU86 Pg 3
Lamium maculatum, whiteleaf Lamium, design for groundcover
quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
lawn for shady area WU86 Pg 1-2
lily of the valley, Convallaria
lilyturf, Liriope
Lindera, spicebush pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
Liriope spicata, lilyturf, groundcover to replace shady lawn
WU86 Pg 3
Lonicera, honeysuckle shrubs and vines, pruning guide WU86 Pg
lungwort, Pulmonaria
Matteucia struthiopteris, ostrich fern, groundcover to
replace shady lawn WU86 Pg 3
mock orange, Philadelphus
moss, Irish, Arenaria
Myrica pensylvanica, bayberry pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
myrtle, Vinca
ninebark, Physocarpus
Pachysandra, design for groundcover quilt, groundcover to replace
shady lawn WU86 Pg 2-3
Pachysandra procumbens, Allegheny spurge
Pachysandra terminalis, evergreenPachysandra
Paeonia suffruticosa, tree peony pruning guide WU86 Pg
pesticides, application considerations WU86 Pg 4-5
pesticides, oil WU86 Pg 7
pesticides, plant uptake WU86 Pg 6
pests, aphids and adelgids of pine WU86 Pg 1, 6-7
pests, biologic and organic control, beneficial insects, water
WU86 Pg 6
pests, control tactics may vary WU86 Pg 4-5
pests develop resistance to pesticides WU86 Pg 5
pests, predicting timing of controls WU86 Pg 6
pests, timing critical WU86 Pg 4-5, 6
pests, wood borers, emerald ash borer WU86 Pg 5
Philadelphus, mock orange pruning guide WU86 Pg
Physocarpus opulifolius, ninebark pruning guide WU86 Pg
Picea, spruce pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
Pieris japonica, andromeda pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
pigsqueak, Bergenia
Pinus, pine pests, predicting severity, timing WU86 Pg
Pinus, shrub pine pruning guide WU86 Pg 10
Polygonatum, Solomon's seal, design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
Potentilla fruticosa, shrub Potentilla pruning guide WU86 Pg
problems symptoms sooty mold WU86 Pg 6-7
pruning: best to enhance natural shape, pruning general timing,
more than one right way to prune WU86 Pp 9-11
pruning shrubs and vines, guide and specific directions WU86
Pg 7-15
Prunus pruning guide WU86 Pg 10
Pulmonaria, lungwort design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg
quince, Chaenomeles
Rhododendron pruning guide WU86 Pg 10 (More, in WU191 Light the night)
Rosa, rose pruning guide WU86 Pg 10
rose of Sharon, Hibiscus
Salix, willow, all shrubby species, pruning guide WU86 Pg
Sambucus, elderberry pruning guide WU86 Pg 9
sandcherry, Prunus
sedge, Carex
shrubs pruning guide, all species WU86 Pg 7-15
Smilacina stellata, starry false Solomon's seal design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
smoke bush, smokebush Cotinus
snow on the mountain, Aegopodium
soil, bed preparation, smothering, under trees WU86 Pg 2
Solomon's seal, Polygonatum
Sorbaria sorbifolia, Ural false spirea pruning guide WU86 Pg
Spiraea pruning guide summer blooming dwarf species Spiraea
bumalda Spiraea japonica Spiraea thunbergii WU86 Pg 11
spring blooming species snowmound or bridal veil Spiraea
vanhouttei snowmound spirea, Spiraea nipponica
Japanese snowmound spirea , Spiraea prunifolia bridal
wreath spirea WU86 Pg 11
spurge, Allegheny spurge, Pachysandra
St. Johnswort, Hypericum
starry false Solomon's seal, Smilacina
Stephanandra pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
summersweet, Clethra
sweet woodruff, Galium
sweetspire, Itea virginica
Symphytum, comfrey design for groundcover quilt WU86 Pg
Symphytum grandiflorum, large-flowered comfrey
Syringa, lilac pruning guide WU86 Pg 10
Taxus, yew pruning WU86 Pg 11
Thelypteris noveboracensis, New York fern groundcover to
replace shady lawn WU86 Pg 3
Thuja, arborvitae pruning guide WU86 Pg 8
Tiarella cordifolia, foamflower, design for groundcover quilt
WU86 Pg 2-3
trumpet vine, Campsis
Ural false spirea, Sorbaria
Viburnum pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
Vinca minor, myrtle groundcover to replace shady lawn WU86 Pg
Waldesteinia ternata, barren strawberry, design for
groundcover quilt WU86 Pg 2-3
Weigela pruning guide WU86 Pg 11, 13
winter damage sunny side of trunk WU86 Pg 15
winter protection don't remove too early WU86 Pg 15
Wisteria pruning guide WU86 Pg 11
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