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In this issue, these topics:
water is fine for houseplants... all plants, page
Giving the cold shoulder to moles, page 3-5
Tree lovers' advisory: In-ground edging may create in-grown
trees, page 5
In our garden: Cover icy bare ground but not with de-icer, page
Assign time on the calendar for gardening, page 4
Stay in shape by weeding under the couch, page 5
Water houseplants as much but less often in winter, page 6
For an overview via photos and excerpts from this issue:
In this issue, we debunk advice that's so often repeated it
seems like law.
That is, we tell you that cold tap water is not only okay for
houseplants but can be preferable to warm water.
We don't go lightly into argument with standard advice. We dig
for the real story. At times we find legitimate reasons behind
advice but sometimes we find misunderstandings, outdated
information or just inexplicable errors. In our reports to you we
include scientific support. You'll see links to this end in Water OK
from cold tap.
Today, many other gardeners are questioning standards. You can
join this effort to move home gardening up a notch.
Have questions but no time to delve?
Look into questionable old saws that you identify. Let the sound
of rote and lack of specificity be your cue to put a maxim to the
test. Much hearsay and half truth have been perpetuated by
repetition alone. However well intentioned, it's not up to current
levels of plant science.
We welcome it if you send the old lore to us along with your
questions. or 248-681-7850.
It takes time and exposure to correct misinformation that's been
so widely reported. However, we are seeing it happen on many garden
and landscape issues. So we feature in our writing whatever useful
information you report or we find. Then we should all share it
around - begin fighting repetition with repetition.
Excerpts from
Growing Concerns 751

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read the entire issue.
Help for a WWII Marine in pitched battle with moles
"...tried drowning, ...moth balls... just can't beat this
underground enemy!"
Below: If mounds of soil like this appear on your lawn,
suspect moles. They push loose soil from their tunnels up to the
surface. March and April are excellent times to apply that most
effective mole control -- trapping. Until then, rake mounds level
and watch to see which are most quickly renewed. That will indicate
good places to set traps.

Tenacity and a year-round presence give moles
their edge .
A mole patrols its tunnel network at
a 4 mph run, slows to 2.5 mph to dig.
Mole's diet consists mostly of earthworms,
insect larvae such as beetle grubs
and adult insects.
Still most effective: well-placed traps
and in-ground barrier.
Download the pdf to
read the entire issue, with details on placing and setting
Underground fencing vs. underground invaders
Right: In-ground barrier stops moles.

The method shown in this illustration works to keep moles
out of an individual garden. (The garden is A, in this example).
Trench along the perimeter to a 12 inch depth (B). Increase that
depth to 18 inches if moles have pushed up mounds of soil within
that bed in winter, indicating deeper runs occur below the
Insert fine-mesh metal hardware cloth or aluminum flashing
vertically into the ditch (C) and fold over what's left above
ground so it lays atop the soil outside the garden (D). That
surface sheet prevents a mole digging along the outer edge from
popping up and over the sunken wall.
Overlap seams by a foot. Replace the excavated soil to bury
the fence. Peg down the bent-over top and let the sod grow through
it. That will keep moles out of the garden.
Download the pdf to
read the entire issue.
In-ground barriers not recommended around trees.
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read the entire issue.
Staying fit in the off-season
...It doesn't feel so much like work or calisthenics if we think
about reaching to pull weeds as we kneel and stretch to collect the
household's scatterings from under couch or bed...
Download the pdf to
read the entire issue.
Winter watering regimen for indoor plants
...Always carry the same amount of water to each plant but do it
less often in winter. Moisten the entire root ball whenever you
water, but don't repeat until you can feel by pot weight that much
of what you last gave is gone...
Download the pdf to
read the entire issue.
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