Enjoy the low sunlight: Be a kid again

Trembling shadows on a wall nabbed the cat's eye
...and then we were hooked, too. The sight rustled up childhood
memories, so old they had only images and no words. They may have
come from an instance of being put down for a nap under protest, or
sent too bed oh-so-early on a summer day.
It had been entertaining then to watch sunbeams, or light from
passing headlights, come through the trees to play across the
bedroom wall.
Plenty of fantastic stories can be woven around Nature's shadow
shapes. Perhaps you know what cast these shadows. How about what
might have cast them, in a child's imagination?
Answer's here!
Left: Answers's

A little touch of color in this one is a clue... and
then: Answer's

Answer's here!
Answer's here!

We wonder about weeping beeches, especially in winter.
"How many little kids have been terrifed by those creepy
Thinking about what we might say to assure a child
frightened by such a shadow, we imagine we'll show him how to make
his own shadows as a counter-menace.

Answer's here (and it's
not a mistake, where we send you. Look "sharp.")