the pdf to read the complete issue
The best of what came up this year, part two of two:
Reports from our files and notes from you
(Continued but not dependent on Part 1,
What's Coming Up 73)
No cover like snow cover
Best name for pretty poppy: Shh!
Long blooming Centranthus & Gaura
When orchids stoop to sneakiness
Being aware of prickly pear
As ever, blue tops list of new recruits
Great Lady turns arms onus into bonus
Tricolor beech and multi-color fall
Fabulous, no-doughboy fall
On reflection, mirror made a garden
Kudos to fresh, sense-able views
Rose goes on, spots and all
Recreating an historic garden
Prank prairie, neighborhood history
Frog pond makes room for one more
Grins for a single resolution
This issue Sponsored by:
Below: Frufru the frog illustrates
Steven's "best" and also features in his offer to decorate
your walls

Download the
pdf to read the complete issue.
Oh the weather outside
is frightful -- Not!

From a Michigan State University wintertime soil temperature
study: "...soils froze to depths greater than (7 inches) on
cultivated sites, which were windswept and barren of snow for most
of the winter... Sites insulated by forest cover and leaf litter,
as well as thin but persistent snowpacks, froze to depths of only
(an inch or less); temperatures at (7 inches) hovered near
(34-35°F) for most of the winter."
Below: Snow not only insulates but allows the subtle colors
of branch and seed pod to shine (below, left). Also, it's a medium
a snow-suited artist can use to spread a bit of cheer (below,
right). (There was no foul, environmentally speaking: It's just
food coloring and watered applied with a pump spray

the pdf to read the complete issue.
This issue Sponsored by: Susan Sajdak

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We have posted a great deal of our library
already but have much still to post.
It helps to have Sponsors directing the sequence.
