What's Coming Up 75: Landscape renovation, kalanchoe, amaryllis, hawks

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Snow time like now to redesign
3 fun Saturday mornings can net you an easy garden makeover
Cold makes Kalanchoe go "Bloom"!
Amaryllis: After the bloom is gone
Grins and Grow-ans go "green"
Hawks as garden helpers

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hawk Pg 11
illusion of depth in a design Pg 3-4
lines as a design element Pg 1, 7-8
aim design at a main viewer Pg 5-8
set objectives for your design Pg 1-3
visualize a landscape design from a traced photo Pg 3
flowers and flowering
how cold initiates bloom Pg 9
care of a hedge Pg 6
Hippeastrum, amaryllis
care Pg 10
cold damage Pg 9
pothos Pg 9
care, related to plant's native environment Pg 9
bloom Pg 9
Mascagnia macroptera, butterfly vine Pg 11
mentors' advice
harvesting pears Pg 11
leave room in field for hawks Pg 1
plant names
pronunciation, pronouncing plant names Pg 9
Pulmonaria angustifolia, lungwort/Bethlehem sage
bloom in rock wall Pg 1
rock, stone
draws lines in the landscape Pg 7-8
winter interest from stone in a landscape Pg 8
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