Read about these topics by downloading this issue:
Poison: Make it your last suspect
New tree's goal: Establishment! What it takes to make an
independent tree.
Walnut's an edible killer
The old shell game
Mentors speak: Disney at a radio pace
Slow to see the flowers of fall
Foxglove falters, seed can set it free
Cribsheet for fall cutdown
Grapeholly saved by a leaf
Scrabbling: Rive that rachis!
Your comments, featuring ginkgos, fall color, hiding that pool,
charming the voodoo lily, and growing tomatoes indoors
Our gardens, featuring water, squirrels, woody weeds, poison
ivy, plant cleaning and manure
Green thumbs up to cold & down to bare soil
Download What's Coming Up #163 to read all of
these topics in a pdf magazine format.
Don't worry, it always comes. Call it Indian summer or whatever.
There are always a few days of beautiful weather
after Veteran's Day.
- Marya Macunovich -
Darn! There's no on-line index for
this issue yet.
We could use a Sponsor for this hour's work.
If all the very good information in this issue
helps you, perhaps with your fall garden
clean up or by setting your mind at ease
about trees' fall color or persistent leaves,
Sponsor us
and mention What's Coming Up #163 or
one topic in it. We'll create and post its index or
publish one of its articles separately so others
can find that information more quickly.
And we'll credit you!
Until then, more key words for
hunting specific topics: Fall perennial cuts,
Indian summer, abscise, axil, midrib,
scuffle, septum, marcescent leaves

Above: Many oaks (Quercus species) hang onto leaves
through winter. Usually these are the leaves on branches that have
not yet reached flowering/fruiting condition. We call that juvenile
wood. It can occur anywhere on a tree. Usually, marcescent leaves
fall as new leaves break bud. Here, marcescent leaves on a
chestnut-leaf oak (Quercus prinus) have hung on past
budbreak and are still there as flowers fade on mature