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In this issue:
Ginkgo can warm a heart yet fail to
Nuke the soil when cukes fail?
Tripped up by stump rotters
Fruitful ginkgo: Big mistake?
Poison ivy's edible relative
Cool way to say hang on and track dirt
In our gardens:
Hands-on tree winterizing, tree planting
Steps to renovate perennial beds
Reason to be a Christmas light lookout
Add ideas to the Best of What Came Up
Acclaim a fabulous fall
Reclaim a punky peony
Derail weevils to save coral bells
Correction: fertilizer chart, Issue #66, page 21
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H-eye-lights from this issue:
Photos and captions to hit the high
points. To read much more in the complete issue download the
After this week, holidays trump
gardens. How about helping me to recap this past year and toast the
new? See
pages 3 and 9-11 for examples like the one below:
"After an overly wet spring, the weather was the best of what
came up for us. So many fine days when we could walk in
the woods, or take the dogs out to play Frisbee!"

Ginkgo goes for fall gold,
sometimes ends its race quietly

Above, left: This Ginkgo biloba's still a baby at 25. Even
though it was purchased as a fruitless male variety, we'll
still hold our breath until it's still fruit-free at 30 and
Above, right: It can be disappointing when trees with potential
miss their mark in developing fall color, yet it's also part of the
fun. Variability makes every year a lottery. Although we hope our
trees will show, we never put big money on them. Thus it's all just
a game we can win but never really lose. Plus we know there's
always "next year!" Even more than its overall gold, I love to see
ginkgo leaves (above) as they change. The green seems to drain from
each fan-shaped leaf blade, replaced by an arc of gold along the
outer edge (right side leaves, above) which recedes like a wave's
imprint on the shore.
You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the complete
issue download the pdf.
One gardener's weed, another gardener's joy: Fruitful ginkgo

Above: Ginkgo fruit ripens. When it drops it's sometimes
called "stink bombs."
Protecting Japanese maples

If a hard freeze kills a Japanese maple's leaves before they
finish producing a seal between their stalk and the twig, moisture
can escape through the tiny hole left when wind or snow finally
pulls that leaf free. This drying can, in turn, cause twig die-back
during that winter. This understory maple is protected from sudden
freezes -- something its species "expects." If such a tree is out
in the open and can't complete its normal leaf drop, it's a
candidate for treatment with anti-desiccant -- a.k.a.
antitranspirant -- on a cold but not freezing day as winter nears.
These spray-on products form a waxy protective layer over twigs and
leaves that are at risk of drying out. Examples are Wilt-Pruf® and
You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the complete
issue download the pdf.
Clean up peony roots

Above: See the tiny bulbs lodged in crevices of this peony
crown? They are wild onions, a.k.a. ramps. "Look at that, they
aren't even ashamed of themselves!" said Deb Hall, my right hand
gardener in this bed renovation. Too true, Deb! Which is why even
after we removed all we found as we dug over the beds we'll respect
this weed's determination by expecting and planning to continue our
anti-ramp campaign. Right now, that means smothering spaces where
they may emerge because these cool season plants can double or
triple in size by spring if their foliage reaches the sun.
Keep an eye peeled for leftover holiday lights.

Above: It happens quicker than even a gardener expects, that
an expanding limb takes up the slack in its wire wrapping and
girdles itself. We advised this tree's owner of what we saw, just
in time.
You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the complete
issue download the pdf.
The Best of What Came Up

Above: "I'll nominate a pest for "best" -- pine sawfly,"
says Steven. 'It qualifies because for once I remembered to get out
there and knock all the sawflies off before they ate away all of
last year's needles!"
Below: Steven sees this photo, simply as a photo, as an example of
the BEST of What Came Up. It's captivating, and makes me want to
stay forever in that day when the creeping forget me not (Myosotis
scorpioides) was blooming all around this statue's nose.

Above: Tollgate Farm (Meadowbrook at 12 Mile Road in Novi,
Michigan) almost closed because of State budget cuts. It survived,
last minute. How I would miss shooting in its peaceful,
pretty places. Probably some people who bring their kids to its
children's garden don't even know they nearly lost this
Below: I rank it with the year's best ideas, seeing the railroad
set-up in Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania). Just as
I was saying to myself, "I want a train in our garden!" a little
redheaded boy who could've been me 50 years ago, ran up and said
exactly that.

You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the
complete issue download the pdf.
Pitted Peony need help!

Above: Peonies are susceptible to leaf spots that
can progress to become stem infections. Then they
travel down to the crown and decay the root. When I lifted
this peony it was with the intention of removing
any weeds, dividing it to obtain the most vigorous
piece, then re-setting it in a new spot within the garden.
Seeing this extensive damage and realizing how
many fungal spores must reside in those divots and
hollows, I had to change my plan. To salvage it I chose
the piece with the most plump buds, cut away the
infected material, then cleaned it with a bleach-water
solution (peroxide would have worked, too). In the end I
was left with smaller starts than anticipated. It
may have been better to hot compost the infected plant
and start fresh.

Above: Sometimes the peony with this kind of problem is very
special. If it's Aunt Mel's grandma's treasure, the best course is
to think small. Here's the best segment I could find. Is it any
wonder so many peony transplants fail to bloom the next year? Think
how many spores are ready to transfer from infected spots here to
new shoots, come spring, killing any bud before it even begins to

Above: Then, I cut away bad tissue and cleaned what remained
with bleach and water on cotton tipped swabs. The resulting
division is quite small (below) but it's willing -- see the new
roots it's already developing? It's also a good idea to relocate
this plant to a bed where peonies have not been grown, in the full
sun and great drainage peonies need to be at their best.
You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the complete
issue download the pdf.
When evil weevils crop your
coral bells' roots
If in fall you dig up a coral bell (Heuchera) or any of
the 100+ species that are prey to root weevils you may notice
notched foliage or that they lack new white roots. Check
for black vine weevil grubs in the crown and in the soil next to
the plant. They are now about the size of cooked barley
grains, yet a perennial may die if it must continue to support even
a few of these grubs from November to May. Think of weevil
grubs as ravenous adolescents, able to eat huge amounts and do
twice as much damage in this stage as in their infancy.
Clean the perennials' roots to be sure they are rid of all weevils,
squashing every grub you find. Then, move the host plants
to a bed that's free of weevil symptoms.

You're viewing highlights of issue 67. To read the
complete issue download the pdf.
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