What's Coming Up 146 & 147: Path Surfaces, Plant Annuals, Locust Bugs
This page sponsored
Decisions about paving the garden way
Safe timing for annuals and why late planting's A-OK
You can be bugged but not beaten
Shorty's own tools
Why the cutter might spare that daff!
Quick clips, about:
- Dogwood leaf spot, wondrous wisteria,
Lyme disease
- The bulb Anemone anomaly
- Why birch is so fast and
- Requiem for Japanese maples
Inviting your reports of- scaping for adult "kids"
Growing veg and fruit: Now worries, just do it!
Time to cut back spring bloomers
Annuals to beat the crowd
Buried tree-sure, pleasant smells, sturdier tomatoes &
Propping floppers, page 16
Where to catch Janet and Steven in-person:

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