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Water: Great, even late, pp. 1- 2
Shoot! Its a lilac! Pages 3 - 4 (Sneak
Weeders beware : Don't ease up on weeds, page 5
Deweed and patch lawn, page 6
The fall shuffle: It's peak transplant time, pages 7 - 8
Critical watering tips, pp. 8 - 9
Compost the winner in 25 - 75 perennial split, page 9
Fast track to slow release fertilizer time, page 10
Shredding light on leaf reduction, pages 10 - 11
Preemie blooms can't wait for spring, page 11
Drought's silver lining, in your face, pp. 11 - 12
Weevil wars continu, page 12

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Did you come here by doing a Search? That search found your
topic in the index below, so you can read all the following topics
when you download this issue.
Allium senescens glaucum, curly chives Pg
Amsonia ciliata, threadleaf bluestar Pg 12
Aquilegia canadensis, columbine Pg 12
Baptisia, false indigo
drought tolerance Pg 2
growth rate and division Pg 2, 9
symbiotic root fungi Pg 2
Belamcanda chinensis, blackberry lily Pg 12
drought tolerance Pg 12
birds, starlings Pg 6
Buddleia davidii, butterfly bush
tolerance Pg 12
bulbs growth cycle Pg 1
Camassia growth cycle Pg 1
Campsis radicans, trumpet vine
persistence key to removal Pg 5
Carex muskingumensis, musking sedge Pg 12
Caryopteris x clandonensis, blue mist spirea
drought tolerance Pg 12
Catmint, Nepeta drought tolerant designs, Pg 12
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Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, plumbago, leadwort
tolerance Pg 12
Crambe maritima, sea kale Pg 12
difficult sites, dry sites Pg 11-12
dividing fast growing perennials Pg 9
dominates memories of whole growing season Pg 2
drought tolerant plants Pg 11-12
early in season worse than later Pg 2
maintenance practice affected by drought Pg 2, 13
plants look burned still growing Pg 1-2
Eupatorium perfoliatum, boneset
drought tolerance Pg 3
nutrient levels related to flowering time Pg 11
slow release Pg 10
fall Pg 10
flowers and flowering
premature spring bloom Pg 11
Forsythia blooms prematurely in fall Pg 1, 11
grass, medium sized ornamental species
Chasmanthium latifolium, northern sea oats
drought tolerance Pg 12
Sorghastrum nutans, Indian grass
tolerance Pg 12
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Helenium angustifolia, Helen's flower
tolerance Pg 12
Hemerocallis, daylily
drought tolerance Pg 12

growth rate Pg 9
'Stella D'Oro' Pg 10
Hibiscus syriacus, rose of Sharon Pg 12
insects, beneficial insects
predatory nematodes Pg 12
rove beetles Pg 6
Iris pallida
argenteo-variegata, zebra iris Pg 12

tolerance Pg 12
Lavandula, lavender
tolerance Pg 12
pests, sod webworm Pg 6
fall renovation Pg 6
weakened by drought Pg 6, 13
leaves expendable after transplant Pg 8
lilac, Syringa (flower buds pictured
at right)
blooms prematurely in fall Pg 11
flowering cycle begins late summer
Pg 3-4
stimulates growth elsewhere Pg 7
around new plant Pg 8
fall leaves Pg 10-11
Nepeta, catmint
drought tolerance Pg 12
Nepeta mussinii Pg 12
obtaining plants, swaps
gardeners give away excess Pg 9-10
Paeonia, peony
drought tolerance Pg 12
Penstemon, beardtongue
'Apple Blossom' Pg 12
drought tolerance Pg 12
cutting perennials back after drought Pg 2, 12
dividing perennials Pg 2, 9
drought tolerant perennials Pg 11-12, 13
fall growth important to perennials, underground growth in
fall Pg 1-2
growth rate of perennials Pg 3
naturalizing perennials Pg 12
recognize perennials eyes set for next year Pg 2
Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian sage Pg 12
pests, weevils Pg 12
Philadelphus, mock orange,drought tolerance Pg
photos worth remembering
lilac flowering shoot inside the bud Pg 4
plant family
bean/legumes, symbiotic root fungi Pg 2
plant growth cycles
fall buds and shoots compressed Pg 3-4, 5
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test for life on drought defoliated plants Pg 2
pruning after transplanting Pg 7
cutting back after drought Pg 2, 12
spare woody plants after drought Pg 2
Damon, Bertha Damon, fears of transplanting Pg 5
Durant, Wil & Ariel Durant, garden is in constant flux Pg
gardening is the most ephemeral art Pg 13
Reznicek, Tony Reznicek, the real trick with... tough plants
Pg 12
killed... them in some spectacular ways Pg 13
weeding has none of the doubts Pg 5
Rhododendron and azalea blooms prematurely in fall
Pg 1, 11
roots channel water to particular parts of canopy Pg
root growth stimulated by branch meristem Pg 7
roots and mycorrhizal fungi Pg 2
strong root growth in fall requires water Pg 1-2
Salvia officinalis, cooking sage Pg 12
Sedum spectabile, tall stonecrop Pg 12
seed sowing in garden, sowing in place Pg 12
buds set despite drought Pg 3
dieback after transplant Pg 8
hold off pruning after drought Pg 2
transplanting Pg 7-8
Solidago, goldenrod
drought tolerance Pg 12
'Goldenmosa' Pg 12
'Little Lemon' Pg 12
Stachys, lambs ear, big betony
drought tolerance Pg 12
Stachys lanata, lambs ear, Pg 12
Stachys micrantha, big betony Pg 12
Syringa, lilac
blooms prematurely in fall Pg 11
flowering cycle begins late summer Pg 3-4
Tellima grandiflora, fringecups Pg 12
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blower Pg 13
leaf shredder Pg 10-11
transplanting Pg 7-8
hold off pruning after drought Pg 2
Tsuga, hemlock
transplanting Pg 7
blooms prematurely in fall Pg 11
transplanting Pg 7
Viburnum dentatum Pg 7
moisture in fall key to winter survival Pg 1-2
after transplanting Pg 8-9
time required to apply sufficient water Pg 9
watering ring most effective Pg 8-9
weeds and weeding
bindweed Pg 5
fall important weeding season Pg 5
less to do after drought Pg 11
oxalis Pg 5
quack grass Pg 5
repeated pulling and cutting starves root Pg 5
thistle Pg 5
blooms prematurely in fall Pg 11
encouraging spread in natural areas Pg 12
naturalized garden Pg 12
winter damage
fall drought contributes to winter loss Pg 2
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