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read in this issue:
Hurrying hellebores to bloom, page 1
Plant moves like a dream during cool, long nights, page 4
Cleaning and clipping summered-out houseplants, page 4
Non-gardener's idea of "good soil" is bad start, page 5
Golden rain tree in the 45 mph garden
Annual bed's heat lovers retire. Fire up the cool planting!
Fluff the mulch, reveal wasps before pruning
Generous spacing helps annuals cover for spring bulbs
This issue has been Sponsored by:
Below: Featuring Lenten rose (Helleborus x
orientalis) and golden rain tree (Koelreuteria

And helping you to cover up spring bulbs:

Did you come here by doing a Search? Then your answer is one of
the topics below, all covered in this issue:
annual flowers, proper spacing, crowding is counterproductive,
pg. 7
bulbs, plant annuals over bulbs, pg. 7
Callibrachoe, million bells, pg. 7
catalogs, pg. 3
checker lily, Fritillaria meleagris grown from seed, pg.
Chrysanthemum, pg. 7
comforters and crickets, related to transplanting, pg 4
construction effects on garden, pg. 5
Coreopsis from seed, pg. 1
daisy, Leucanthemum from seed, pg. 1
Dianthus, pg. 7
fall color, fall interest, container gardens, pg. 7
false indigo, Baptisia, grown from seed, pg. 1
gas plant, Dictamnus albus from seed, pg. 1
globe amaranth, Gomphrena globosa, pg. 7
golden rain tree, Koelreuteria paniculata, pp. 5-6
hedge pruning, pg. 7
Hosta from seed, pg. 1
houseplants, caring for them while outdoors, pp. 4-5
insecticidal soap, pg. 4
Iris germanica, bearded iris, pg. 7
Japanese maple, Acer palmatum, transplanting, pg. 4
kale, pg. 7
lenten rose, Helleborus, dividing, pp. 2-3
lilac, dwarf lilac, Syringa, pg. 7
Lilium, hardy lilies, transplanting, pg. 4
mulch becomes crusty on surface, pg. 7
pansy, Viola, pg. 7
perennials, division, dividing perennials, pg. 2
perennials, grown from seed, pg. 1, pg. 3
perennials, production to produce earliest flowering plants, pg.
perennials, self-sown seedlings moved, pg.3
pesticide, no use applying ahead of pest occurrence, not
prophylactic, pg. 4
poisonous plants, lenten rose, Helleborus, pg. 3
rash, caused by lenten rose sap, Helleborus sap, pg.
repotting houseplants, pg. 4
seed, collecting seed, pg. 3
seed, extending the season for earlier bloom, pg. 1
soap as insecticide, pg. 4
soil, goodness is a relative term, pg. 5
transplanting lilies, pg. 4
whiteflies, pg. 5
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