...make a deep foundation
I decided to move the walkway to give more room to the
Japanese maple, and prune
that tree less. That just made the whole foundation bed deeper.
I love it! - J.S. -
We're so glad you did, and that you invited us to take a look.
We'd love to see everyone break out into deeper foundation
plantings. We'd be able to eliminate quite a bit of pruning, and
have more color.
Most homes no longer need the extra insulation and windscreen
that dense shrubs at the foundation once provided. Most homeowners
who add depth to plantings there are thrilled to be able to walk
unhindered along the foundation to wash windows and paint.
Your landscape (above) is now a great example of how deep one
can go, yet hardly even be noticed as unusual from the street
Below: Certainly, if a person takes this more unusual angle,
the roominess is very apparent.

But room is not bad! Everywhere, there's room for things like
small shrubs to have five feet and more to spread gracefully and
have companion plants, too!
Room everywhere, including where we think a bit more solidity
might be a good touch.

Imagining" A low, mounded form to provide a break from the
vertical shapes in the bed. Perhaps something with gold tones or
orange... Yes! A shrub we were just admiring the other day, gold
threadleaf falsecypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera
'Mops'). It will need pruning to keep it from getting too
tall, but you'll find what you need to do that, right