What's Coming Up 143: Mildew, Rot, Wet Soil, Native Plants, Weeding

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of What's Coming Up.
In this issue:
Deviation from the norm
Hard to find hardier mum
Find the flare when you plant or it's a tree buried alive!
Naturally wet? Go native!
Beating tomato blossom end rot
The skinny on phlox mildew
Flower power helps veggies?
Oak leaves, seedlings' friend
Duking it out with weeds
The well padded knee
Clipping clematis, lavender and daffs
Taking and giving you a break: Pretty puzzle
An up side and down- to cool spring
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It's break time

It's break time! We, this oakleaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia,
left) and others (see below) help you enjoy the beauty of the
"Budbreak" - when protective covers like this one at a
Franklinia twig (right)tip pop open and the new shoot
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read this issue illustrated here.
A pretty puzzle
Can you identify these beauties?

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read this issue illustrated here.
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