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A slick approach to powdery mildew
Plant sales! Finding disease resistant plants
Not pretty: Arb's naked nether regions
Raised beds vs. high lead levels in soil
Train the clematis, stake the floppers: Innovative supports
Never too late to cut ornamental grass
Spring dividend: Renewal pruning pays off
Curing the boxwood that's ever-brown
Weeding's wonders, rosy boring realities
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In this issue you will find answers to these Search
boxwood leaf miner
browning of leaves
cane borer
chemically treated lumber, pressure treated wood
covering soil
cutting back ornamental grasses
dark veins
distortion of leaf, distorted leaves
drainage change
Elmer's glue
environmental changes
exposure to gas, exposure to chemical
fungicide for mildew control, prevention of mildew
growth conditions
growth habits
insecticidal soap
lead absorbent plants, plants that fix lead
oil sprays, horticultural oil
pale leaves, pale foliage
perennials susceptible to mildew
pest problems
poison ivy
powdery mildew
pruning late blooming clematis
pruning spring blooms, pruning spring bloomers, pruning spring
blooming plants
raising beds, raised bed
reduced light
replacing soil
resistant plants
root damage
scents of spring
self-sown seedlings, volunteers
staking perennials
stunted, stunting of leaves
symptoms of powdery mildew
toxic weed removal
transplanting seedlings
treatment of powdery mildew
twiggy branches for staking
washing soil
weeding, weeds
white coating on leaves
Many thanks to our Sponsor Judy Jacobs, who provided key words
so our Search would "See into" this pdf-format issue. With the
generous help of gardening friends, this website grows!
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