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Coming Up 90
In this issue:
Color-shifting daffodils
Liatris takes growth cue from water
Best to plant wide, not deep: Bare root plants
Better butterbur control
More reason to leave the leaves
Transplanting spring bulbs
Getting tough with creepy yew: Cut back time!
Rejuvenating a redtwig dogwood
Scrabble up a dibble or cloche
Eye out for pests: Scale and sawfly
Savvy lavender cuts & tomato picks
Green thumbs up to sharp mowers, down to speedy spring
Visual rush of spring: Enjoying the beauty
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In this issue are answers to all of the Search terms
(WU = What's Up)
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Acer, maple
Acer palmatum
spring color rivals fall WU90 Pg 13
Acer platanoides, Norway maple
allelopath WU90 Pg 12
prolific after frost-free spring WU90 Pg 13
Norway maple WU90 Pg 12
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Amelanchier, serviceberry/shadblow/Juneberry WU90 Pg
blazing star, See Liatris
bluebells, Virginia, See Mertensia
depth of planting WU90 Pg 6
multiply WU90 Pg 7
transplanting WU90 Pg 6-7
butterbur, See Petasites
Chelone, turtlehead
Chelone obliqua, pink turtlehead
denser colony when moist WU90 Pg 5
odd weather makes unusual combinations WU90 Pg 10
Cornus alba, redtwig dogwood
diseases WU90 Pg 9
prune to renew WU90 Pg 9
color combinations fail in odd weather WU90 Pg 11
basic control strategy WU90 Pg 9
redtwig dogwood WU90 Pg 9
Filipendula rubra, queen of the prairie
denser colony when moist WU90 Pg 5
flowers and flowering
color change year to year WU90 Pg 1-2
gayfeather, See Liatris
germander, See Teucrium
Hepatica acutiloba WU90 Pg 5
Hosta paired with woodland ephemeral WU90 Pg 13
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indicator of aphids or scale WU90 Pg 11
lady beetles WU90 Pg 11
Iris pallida argenteo variegata WU90 Pg 7
Lavandula, lavender
cut back hard WU90 Pg 11
sharp mower best WU90 Pg 11
as mulch WU90 Pg 5
Liatris spicata, gayfeather/blazing star WU90 Pg 2
Lindera benzoin, spicebush
native not fooled by weather anomaly WU90 Pg 2
Macleaya cordata, plume poppy
restricting the spread WU90 Pg 2
Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebells
companion to cover dormancy WU90 Pg 13
fall leaves WU90 Pg 5
Narcissus, daffodils
change color over years WU90 Pg 1-2
cut back in spring, respond differently than shrubs WU90 Pg 5
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sawflies pine WU90 Pg 11
scale insects on dogwood WU90 Pg 11
Petasites japonicus, butterbur
restricting the spread, timing WU90 Pg 4-5
photos worth remembering
leave the fall leaves WU90 Pg 4
depth of tulip bulb WU90 Pg 5
Japanese maple spring color WU90 Pg 13
dig wide, not deep WU90 Pg 3-4
Polygonatum, Solomon's seal
WU90 Pg 12
poppy, plume, See Macleaya
Populus x charkowiensis, hybrid poplar
root form WU90 Pg 4
weak, lank stems WU90 Pg 10
queen of the prairie, See Filipendula
change of location beneficial WU90 Pg 7
Lacy, Allen Lacy, kids with chemistry sets WU90 Pg 13
skilled workman... make poor tools do a good job WU90 Pg 15
plants are the original chemists WU90 Pg 13
removed from the world's distractions WU90 Pg 3
Schmidt, Karen Schmidt, we...sense more than we know WU90 Pg
trees WU90 Pg 4
Salvia officinalis, cooking sage
cut back hard WU90 Pg 11
scrabbling, unusual garden terms
cloche, dibble, diddledees WU90 Pg 10
seeds and seed starting
hardening off under cover WU90 Pg 10
lank, weak stems if light low WU90 Pg 10
milk jug or jar as cloche WU90 Pg 10
transplant to cloche WU90 Pg 10
affects plant's flower color WU90 Pg 1
Taxus, yew
prune to control gradual increase WU90 Pg 8
Teucrium chamaedrys, germander
cut back hard
disease resistant WU90 Pg 11
sharp mower blades WU90 Pg 11
bulbs WU90 Pg 6-7
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Tulipa dasystemon, tarda tulip
Tulipa greigii 'Red Riding Hood'
daughter bulb WU90 Pg 7
longevity as perennials WU90 Pg 6
turtlehead, See Chelone
accelerates bloom sequence WU90 Pg 11
emerge through fall leaves WU90 Pg 5
voles/meadow mice WU90 Pg 3
words, unusual garden terms
cloche, dibble, diddledees WU90 Pg 10
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