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Fine, shrub-free design for the foundation, pp. 2-4
Keeping pots watered if you're away, pp. 4-6
Potting mix vs. soil: soilless mix is a knock-out, pg. 6
Tree planting flashback: No burlap or wire! Pg. 7
Buy annuals for no-clip roots, pg. 7
Cutting over-eager spring bloomers, pg. 7
Mulch enough to do weeds in, pp. 7-8
Aim fertilizer where leaves are pale, pg. 8
Why to memorize frost damage, pp. 8-9
Spring leaves that rival fall's color, pg. 10
Warm soil, strong transplant, pg. 10
Filling pots? No peanuts! Pg. 10
In this issue's first article we begin a shrub free
design at the foundation and carry it all the way out into the
yard, including groundcover suggestions. Below, catmint
(Nepeta mussinii) and paler-blooming pinks (Dianthus
gratianopolitanus) are good low, weed-smothering fillers for
low-traffic areas.

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In this issue are answers to all of these Search terms. (WU =
What's Up)
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Acer, maple
Acer rubrum, red maple
spring foliage color WU93 Pg 10
Alchemilla, lady's mantle
Alchemilla alpina, dwarf lady's mantle WU93 Pg 3
annual flowers
choosing WU93 Pg 7
Bergenia, pigsqueak
foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
Carex, sedge
foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
Catmint, Nepeta
foundation planting WU 93 pp. 2-4
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heavy feeder WU93 Pg 8
spring foliage color WU93 Pg 10
containers, pots and planters
absentee watering WU93 Pg 4-6
self-watering pots WU93 Pg 4-6
soilless potting mix better than soil WU93 Pg 6
containers, pots and planters
no space fillers in pots WU93 Pg 10
water absorbing polymers WU93 Pg 1, 5-6
heavy feeder WU93 Pg 8
choosing plants WU93 Pg 3
determining height needed WU93 Pg 3
foundation without shrubs WU93 Pg 2-4
height, width, shape before plant name WU93 Pg 3
making use of spring foliage color WU93 Pg 10
Dianthus, pinks
foundation planting WU93 Pg 4
difficult site
under eaves WU93 Pg 2
canker WU93 Pg 9
may enter frost damaged branch tips WU93 Pg 9
Euonymus fortunei 'Gold Spot' WU93 Pg 3
based on leaf color WU93 Pg 8
liquid vs. solid WU93 Pg 8
cut back after bloom WU93 Pg 7
subtle long-term effect WU93 Pg 9
may affect upper leaves only WU93 Pg 8-9
pattern of damage diagnostic WU93 Pg 8-9
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for foundation planting WU93 Pg 2-4
Juniperus horizontalis, rug juniper
foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
color as call for help or fertilizer WU93 Pg 8
foliage as beautiful in spring as fall WU93 Pg 10
leaf colors as base of foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
cut back after bloom WU93 Pg 7
Silene, catchfly WU93 Pg 6
depth WU93 Pg 7
materials compared WU93 Pg 8
Nepeta, catmint
foundation planting WU93 Pg 4
cut back spring bloomers WU93 Pg 7
heavy feeders WU93 Pg 8
year-round interest for foundation WU93 Pg 2-4
photos worth remembering
waterfall with Joe Pye and fallen log WU93 Pg 11
trees WU93 Pg 7
warm soil improves take WU93 Pg 2
polymers added to soil mix WU93 Pg 5-6
Populus, poplar
spring foliage color WU93 Pg 10
recent weather history important WU93 Pg 8
evaluating impact
30% leaf loss WU93 Pg 9
leaves with shot-hole damage WU93 Pg 8, 9
tip die-back WU93 Pg 8
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spring blooming plants WU93 Pg 7
cut back after bloom WU93 Pg 7
Prunus cerasifera, flowering almond WU93 Pg 7
Pyrus calleryana, callery pear
frost damage WU93 Pg 8-9
Quercus, oak
spring foliage color WU93 Pg 10
Frederick, William Frederick, garden magic... into play WU93 Pg
between... car and door of your house WU93 Pg 4
Rhododendron and azalea
exotic needs nutrient supplements WU93 Pg 8
potbound not ideal WU93 Pg 7
Sedum kamschaticum, orange stonecrop
foundation planting WU93 Pg 3, 4
not necessary at foundation WU93 Pg 2
soilless potting mix WU93 Pg 6
temperature for planting WU93 Pg 10
Spiraea x bumalda 'Gold Mound' WU93 Pg 3
Spiraea prunifolia, bridal wreath spirea WU93 Pg 7
of soil, best for planting WU93 Pg 10
warm soil improves take WU93 Pg 10
planting WU93 Pg 7
shot hole damage long after frost WU93 Pg 9
self-watering pots WU93 Pg 4-6
when you're away WU93 Pg 4-6
smother seedlings WU93 Pg 7
foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
Yucca variegata, for foundation planting WU93 Pg 3
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