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Curing daylilies that shine, then slump
Finding uncommon plants
Treasure the nursery with field-grown plants
Utility easement clearance makes life hard for organic
Sleuth with shovel IDs buggy find
Whole U.S. can enjoy cicada song until 2011
Great color in containers
Slugging it out: Biggest, most slimey
Clematis in shade: Small flowers shine
In our garden: Watch for trouble, dash about
45 mph hour garden features bi-color crabs
Weeding vs. herbicide
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this issue. In the index to this issue (below), WU41 Pg 1 = What's
Coming Up 41, page 1
All of the following topics are in this edition:
bloom longest WU41 Pg 9
Arenaria verna caespitosa, Irish moss WU41 Pg 9
pinching WU41 Pg 12
banana plant, Musa
color in shade WU41 Pg 9
pH sensitive WU41 Pg 3
buying plants
finding uncommon types WU41 Pg 2
blooms less in shade WU41 Pg 10-11
Clematis jackmanii WU41 Pg 13
Clematis viticella WU41 Pg 11, 13
Clematis recta WU41 Pg 13
Clematis montana WU41 Pg 13
fall blooming weedy WU41 Pg 13
shade tolerant species and varieties WU41 Pg 11
volunteers, natural hybrids WU41 Pg 13
annuals for all-summer bloom WU41 Pg 9
container plantings WU41 Pg 8-9

shaded spot needs color WU41 Pg 8-9
Cornell University, weed control research
crabapple, See Malus
annuals used for long lasting bloom WU41 Pg 9
change as a design element WU41 Pg 9
container plants WU41 Pg 8-9
shaded spot needs color WU41 Pg 8-9
leaf spots, etc.
daylily WU41 Pg 1-2
resistant varieties WU41 Pg 2
easement clearance
impact on adjacent gardens WU41 Pg 5-6
self management WU41 Pg 5-6
experts referenced
Senesac, Andrew Senesac WU41 Pg 13
fungicide, See Pesticide, see Disease
golden coins, See Lysimachia nummularia aurea
colorful shade plants WU41 Pg 9
determining disease resistance WU41 Pg 2
leaf disease WU41 Pg 1-2
leaf discolored WU41 Pg 1
for color in shady beds WU41 Pg 9
identifying unknown insect WU41 Pg 6-7
periodical cicada WU41 Pg 8
with Hosta WU41 Pg 9
Lysimachia nummularia aurea, golden coins WU41 Pg 9
blooms two colors on one tree WU41 Pg 12
pruning WU41 Pg 12
suckers WU41 Pg 12
miticide, See Pesticide
moss, Irish moss, See Arenaria verna caespitosa
pH adjustment causes aluminum accumulation WU41 Pg 3-4
pesticide use on adjacent property WU41 Pg 3-6
field grown, best buy WU41 Pg 3
filler planting in between perennials WU41 Pg 8-9
pinching WU41 Pg 12
residual effect WU41 Pg 4-5
use on neighboring property WU41 Pg 3-6
synergistic effects most unpredictable WU41 Pg 5
periodical cicada WU41 Pg 8
slugs WU41 Pg 9-10
Aster WU41 Pg 12
scab WU41 Pg 3
pots, containers, See Color, See also Design
important to know what the healthy plant looks like WU41 Pg
scouting to head off trouble WU41 Pg 11-12
as disease control WU41 Pg 1-2
in utility easement, See Easement clearance
suckers WU41 Pg 12
Slugs: I pet them with scissors
adding color in shady area WU41 Pg 8-9
Clematis for shade WU41 Pg 11
slugs and snails
effectiveness of traps WU41 Pg 10
beneficial predatory snails WU41 Pg 10
sharp substances do not deter WU41 Pg 10
size WU41 Pg 9-10
weight WU41 Pg 10
snails, See Slugs and snails
soil, pH
adjust with sulfur WU41 Pg 4
aluminum accumulates WU41 Pg 3-4
color in shade WU41 Pg 9
tropicals, See houseplants
weed killer, weedkiller, See Weeds, See Herbicide
hand pull or herbicide WU41 Pg 13
landscape fabric not effective WU41 Pg 13
university weed patch WU41 Pg 13
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