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In the veggie garden: Water well, eat well
Containing your growing urge: What to grow, when to
No black spot on this rose
Groundhog chatter
Slime mold makes news
Fruitless broccoli may be fall delight
Mulberry-dyed diapers?
Horse nettle: Weedy relative in the veg
Even tiny girdles can kill
Holey hibiscus and hollyhock, and sweet, sweet mallow
Lightweight pots are up, rudely raised grades are down
Mentor's advice for 3 sisters corn 
In our garden
We erase what's brown: Cut, slash,
Feed the birds on-stem or
Beating lawn grubs
Saving trees, one root zone at a
Time to be excited about iris
We real-eyes plums are down
Birch is gold even at 45mph
Here's a start:
It does expand our library of information about iris
borers. If iris borer control is why you're here, this
issue will be helpful, as will Allowed Iris into the
kitchen! which includes an iris borer cross reference.
It has much about
watering: When to water, how to water most
efficiently, use of leaky milk jugs for timed release watering in
your absence
It tackles the tiny space, containers-only
garden situation with notes on potting mix, container
types, plants best suited to containers, and plants including trees
that remain in containers for years
Black spot on roses
Groundhog control, woodchuck control
Slime mold oozing around on mulch
Broccoli that fails to produce
Weed identification: Horse nettle

This issue Sponsored by: Kathleen Polkowski

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