These ensemble editions of our What's Up! and
Grow newsletters were written for Winter. They address
what people see in Winter as well as what they could be doing then
to have a more beautiful, productive, easy-care garden.
Like this picture?
Coming Up 23: Gardening in two climates, tours, soil
tests, daffs
Coming Up 26: tree choice, shady birdy evergreens,
pruning, tree swing
What's Coming Up 24, 25, and
27: Not here yet! Working on it.
See our CD Asking About
What's Coming Up 78, 79, and 80 Not here yet! Working
on it.
See our CD
Potting Up Perennials
What's Coming Up 77: January, Mealybugs, Gerbera,
overwintering, pruning
What's Coming Up 128: January, Spider Mites,
Ice/Slush Damages Shrubs
Coming Up 129: January, Moving House Plants, Pests
What's Coming Up 130: February, Clean indoor
Plants, Year-Round Garden
What's Coming Up 13
1: February, Late Winter Planning, Cleaning Tools
Coming Up 170: Prune magnolia, pruning books, Rose Bowl,
winter chores, design
Coming Up 171: Flat-top fir, protect maple, photo quiz,
popcorn plant, peat
What's Coming Up 172: Warm winter, nightlights,
serviceberry, bathing houseplants, bare twig I.D.
What's Coming Up 173: Passion vine has scale,
endangered plants, pothos
What's Coming Up 195: Annual report, winter damage,
birds, snowplay
Coming Up 196: Overstuffed winter storage, thaw advice,
easiest best perennials, lists, design

What's Coming Up 206: Iris crossroad, killer holiday
lights, design by lines
What's Coming
Up 207: Quotes to end winter
Concerns 498: January, Box elder, control, gardening
Growing Concerns
499: January, Box elder, pest control
Concerns 500: January, Kiss of Polygonum orientale, holly
Growing Concerns 501: February, Plumbago, Duranta, leaf
problem diagnosis
Growing Concerns 502:
February, Plant names game
Concerns 550: January, Planting and Fertilizing
Concerns 551: January, Lucky Bamboo Easy to Grow
Growing Concerns
552: January, Reviving Groundcover Bed
Growing Concerns
553: February, Peace Lily Trouble Solved
Growing Concerns
554: February, Order Plants by Mail
Concerns 601: January, Spindly Christmas
Cactus, Rose Dusty White
Growing Concerns
602: January, Evergreen hedge
Growing Concerns 603: January, Jasmine Blooms, Ivy
and Silver Maple
Concerns 604: January, Acid-loving Plants
Concerns 605: February, White pine, topping, root
Growing Concerns 756: February: Fungus gnats, indoor
plant watering, tomato from seed, cut down grass, mail order fun,
snowy mulch