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This is:
A potpourri (below) of Platycodon information as a
supplement to other articles.
A plant-based page rather than our usual topic-based page. It's
a pivot point where you'll find one set of links to ours and
others' articles that involve balloon flowers. (Go
to the links now!)
Balloon flower potpourri
Platycodon species provide some of the very best
midsummer blues to sunny perennial beds. Platycodon
grandiflorus is the classic balloon flower. Although there are
varieties that are pink and white we say, "Go for the blue."
Some references say this plant is suitable for partly shaded
beds. We disagree. Full sun or nothing.
It's particularly nice among yellow clump forming daylilies.
The species is about 36" tall, but the variety 'Marie's Strain'
is half that and 'Sentimental Blue' is usually under 12".
The full-sized and half-height plants sometimes require
Platycodon requires excellent drainage. The root is
like a white carrot, must sit deep for stability, and must rest
nearly dry through winter to avoid crown rot.

Our kids loved balloon flower for the buds, shaped like hot air
balloons and as poppable as a balloon when swollen before opening.
Popping the buds doesn't stop the flowering but does leave
individual blooms in some disarray, with one or more petals awry
and the flower's overall symmetry lost. However, we think it's a
worthy trade -- a little less visual perfection in exchange for
kids' participation and memories.
Right: Diety Love, age 4, popping balloon flower
Read more about
Double up with Camassia in place
of bored iris: Growing
Concerns 59
Read the root to
Cutting back:
Need to
cut back in fall?
We're just introducing this set of perennial info pages. We hope
you'll comment. Let us know if the format was useful, share your
suggestions, tell us we shouldn't have this page at all... anything
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