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This is:
A potpourri (below) of butterfly weed/orange glory
plant/Asclepias tuberosa information as a supplement to
other articles.
A plant-based page rather than our usual topic-based page. It's
a pivot point where you'll find one set of links to ours and
others' articles that involve butterfly weed/ Asclepias
tuberosa. (Go to those links now!)

Butterfly weed Potpourri
Butterfly weed is one of the longest-lived perennials. Treat it
like a peony -- if you give it a good spot you can expect it to be
there, still putting on a great show decades later.
Good drainage is a must, as is full sun. Sandy soils are more to
its liking than clay based loam but even a predominantly clay soil
is a-okay if the drainage is sharp.
This is a member of the milkweed family and as such is a host
plant for the caterpillars of the monarch butterfly. So if you see
the leaves are being eaten in the second half of summer, celebrate
rather than unseat the culprits.
Like all mlkweeds, it is a nectar source for the adult Monarch,
and tricks the insects into pollination with a foot-catching trap
door routine. Watch a butterfly on an Asclepias flower cluster,
to enjoy this ingenious tactic.s.
Right: Butterfly weed seed will blow about and you will find
volunteers -- if the site is right.
Read more about butterfly weed
(Asclepias tuberosa):
Green Thumbs Up:
orange and red-orange of butterfly weed
Tap roots

We're just introducing this set of perennial info
pages. We hope you'll comment. Let us know if the format was
useful, share your suggestions, tell us we shouldn't have this page
at all... anything helps!
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