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This is:
A potpourri (below) of tickseed/Coreopsis species
information as a supplement to other articles.
A plant-based page rather than our usual topic-based
page. It's a pivot point, one list of
links to ours and others' articles that involve
Coreopsis Potpourri
There are so many great varieties of tickseed/Coreopsis
available, and so many new cultivars introduced each spring that
you could update half your collection each year for many years
without running out of new plants to try. However, you probably
wouldn't be able to bear to toss out half of any collection.
All the species are very willing to grow, simple and beautiful.
Many hybrids and varieties sold at garden centers can't be grown
from seed but for each of those there are a half dozen tried and
true varieties that can be seed grown. You could dedicate a whole
garden just to growing Coreopsis species and varieties. You can't
go wrong with long-time favorites 'Sunray' and 'Baby Sun'.
Flower color is the only big limitation in Coreopsis.
Expect gold, pale yellow, and some red-orange from crosses with the
annual C. tinctoria, but take claims of pink or red
varieties with a grain of marketer's salt. Even the "pink" species,
C. rosea is more salmon tone that true pink.
When you've accumulated your fill of the short, late spring and
early summer blooming Coreopsis (early mouse-ear
coreopsis, C. auriculata, lanceleaf coreopsis, C.
lanceolata, the "pink" coreopsis, C. rosea, and
threadleaf coreopsis, C. verticillata), look for the tall
very late blooming C. tripteris.
Below, left: Tickseed Coreopsis (C. lanceolata).
Below, right: The threadleaf Coreopsis (C.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis (above, left) is early to
bloom. We'll have cut it back and seen some second bloom before we
see much flower from the annual blue salvia planted with it (lower
left in the photo). Threadleaf Coreopsis (above,
right in its pastel yellow form, 'Moonbeam') is a mainstay of
the midsummer border.
'Moonbeam' threadleaf Coreopsis is popular for its low
profile (15") and pastel flowers that are easy to combine with so
many other colors. However, it's not so robust as most coreopsis.
C. verticillata varieties 'Golden Showers' (taller than
'Moonbeam') and 'Zagreb' (12") are more vigorous growers.
Read more about tickseed
(Coreopsis lanceolata) and threadleaf Coreopsis
(C. verticillata):
Easiest, best
We're just introducing this set of perennial info pages. This
page is in process but Aster's
page is complete. We hope you'll take a look there and comment. Let
us know if the format was useful, share your suggestions, tell us
we shouldn't have this page at all... anything helps.
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