This is:
A potpourri (below) of meadow rue/Thalictrum species
information as a supplement to other articles.
A plant-based page rather than our usual topic-based page. It's
a pivot point, one list of links to ours and
others' articles that involve meadow rue/Thalictrum
We're just introducing this set of perennial info pages. This
page is in process but Aster's
page is complete. We hope you'll take a look there and comment. Let
us know if the format was useful, share your suggestions, tell us
we shouldn't have this page at all... anything helps.

Above: Lavender mist meadow rue (Thalictrum
rochebrunianum) is a late blooming, very tall species with
flowers to match its name.
Right: One of our first meadow rue experiences was with this
tall, continent-wide native called purple meadow rue (T.
dasycarpum, named not for its bloom but for the stem color). We
brought a plant home from a moist place on Great Uncle Axel's
property, an act that elicited good natured sneers from Great Uncle
Eldon about digging up "weeds." Eldon's assessment was also
accurate -- the plant's persisted in our mostly-wild garden for
decades by popping up where it will.
Most Thalictrum plants are happiest in cool, moist
situations and some want to be in an open wooded spot, so look for
a place with mid-afternoon shade that fends off the hottest
Other meadow rues we love:
Thalictrum glaucum, (a.k.a. T. speciossisimum) with
yellow flowers in late spring and gorgeous blue green foliage.
Thalictrum minus, a smaller version of purple meadow
rue, 18" tall, with delicate lacy foliage.
Read more about meadow rue
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