This is:
A potpourri (below) of pinks/perennial
carnation/Dianthus species information as a supplement to
other articles.
A plant-based page rather than our usual topic-based page. It's
a pivot point, one list of links to ours and
others' articles that involve Dianthus species.
We're just introducing this set of perennial info pages. This
page is in process but Aster's
page is complete. We hope you'll take a look there and comment. Let
us know if the format was useful, share your suggestions, tell us
we shouldn't have this page at all... anything helps.
The ruffled or "pinked" edge of the petal might be the origin of
Dianthus' common name. Tailors use pinking shears to make
such a cut, its purpose to limit ravelling along the edge of raw

Many Dianthus are blue-green grassy evergreens, quite a
few bloom with the fragrance of cloves, and all require perfect
drainage especially during winter.

Dianthus flowers are pink, red, white, ocasionally
yellow and variations. The perennial species are mat formers that
are especially happy lappping over rocks.
One of our favorite pinks came from a cross between a perennial
and an annual Dianthus species. Dianthus x
allwoodii inherited the short stature of the perennial and the
non-stop bloom of the annual. It is reasonably hardy in zone 5,
where we sometimes enjoy a planting for several years at a
Read more about pinks/perennial
carnations (Dianthus species):
subtopic: Article name/link
deadheading Dianthus x allwoodii
for continual bloom: