Gardener fills every season with beauty, energy
Recently we heard from you-all that gardeners do
not get a respite, not in December (and maybe never). You told
us about all the things you do in winter. We thought you'd relate
to how this energetic gardener uses his off-season energy:

Dear Janet & Steven,
Lobby party! We did it last night. Only about 100 showed up!
Usually more.
Tom Cathey
Thomas Cathey is an artist who gardens in New York City. When
he's not throwing holiday parties for a whole tower-full of people,
he keeps Steven and Janet grounded in what it takes to garden 22
stories above ground. This year his emails and his Tom's Eye blog
( had insights
on garden weddings, gardening in a hurricane, the beauty of wax
scale, crape myrtle envy and more.
Seeing the gardens
of the Big Apple through the eyes of an artist, what a
Below: Imagine living nearby such a guy, not knowing he's a
gardener if your windows don't look out to his garden. Would you
recognize the gardener-in-winter-mode after you accepted an invite
to his holiday party, and saw this?

Below: On this part of Tom's terrace, we've been entertained
by hummingbirds from Central Park who come up for a snack. We also
stopped counting at 17 patios and rooftops that are his next-door
neighbor gardeners. With so much experience to draw on -- and peek
into! -- we'd expect him to succeed but what he's created and
captured in container gardens goes far beyond simple
Be sure to check out his own garden, which appears in his
blog in articles such as My Terrace.