Help for those who seek special plants
Green thumbs up
to knowledgeable, helpful, enthusiastic staff at garden centers
who say, "Well, we can try!" when the plant species or variety we
seek is eluding us.

Given that there are tens of thousands of plant varieties on the
market, no garden center can carry them all but our hat's off and
our loyalty's locked in to those who say, "Let me see if I can
order that for you" or "I'll keep an eye out for one for you," or
even "I think Garden Center B on the other side of town was
carrying that!"
Where else can that happen? Certainly not in a department store
or at the grocery!
Special thanks to Sally Suttle at Abele Greenhouse in
Saginaw, Michigan, who in showing us her "Plants Wanted" bulletin
board, reminded us of what a special service this is.
Green thumbs down
To the timing when a new plant you were looking for all over
shows up the week after you planted something else in that spot.
Oh, you'll still buy that new plant but now you need a whole new
place for its stand-in.