Queen of the prairie (Filipendula rubra)
Truly a queen in the right habitat, weedy in dry spots
Native to moist meadows and woods edge throughout much of northeastern North America. Sun or
partial shade.
4-5' tall
Blooms in July
No fragrance.
If grown in normal garden soil that dries down between watering,
or grown in shade, this species will run and become weedy. By
contrast, in sunny, constantly moist areas it forms thick
Cut to the ground after bloom to encourage new, clean
Divide the thick, running root to make more
plants. Cut out discolored sections of root where late summer
fungus infected the stems.
Special notes: Do not collect from the wild without checking
the species' current regional status. Endangered and threatened
in various parts of its native range. in 2012, endangered in
Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and North Carolina, and threatened
in Iowa and Michigan.
Below: Queen of the prairie is beautiful in high summer.
Another high summer North American native for moist meadows appears
in the background on the left side -- those white spikes are
culver's root, Veronicastrum virginicum.