A kid studies herbs
Our youngest reporter is just one year old but is already
expressing definite opinions about the garden, the yard and the
things living out there. Until our granddaughter Elizabeth starts
writing her own articles we're recording what she has to say.
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While working on herbs recently we enlisted Elizabeth to help as
we filled the 24 bottles in a new spice rack. We thought to capture
her reactions to the varied smells and so develop ideas for the
plantings she'll be in touch with this year.

We handed her each bottle or tin after we'd poured (most
of) its contents out into the new jar.
She smelled, felt and tasted her way through 20 seasonings. (We
held back only the collection's potential eye burners, such as

Her most common reaction? "Mmm. Give me another", followed by
the clunk of a dropped container.
Only two containers were not tossed but kept at hand to be
sniffed, tasted and rattled again: Cinnamon and celery seed. The
cinnamon's smell obviously pleased her, and although she was as
clearly taken aback by the taste, she wouldn't part with it. Celery
seed, preferred over rosemary, sage, oregano...? Who'd-a guessed
Conclusion: Remember to let kids try it out for themselves.

An extra: The floor around her chair developed into an
interesting side show. It looked, smelled and felt as the floor of
a medieval manor must have done, covered with its mud buffering,
scent masking strewing herbs. Very pleasant! This summer, we may
follow that old custom and strew some of her favorites on the
ground in the sheltered area under her swingset fort.
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