New, low perspective can beat pests
If you want to beat them, try to imagine being them. That's how
I know where they are and which way they jump when I go to catch
- Irene Grossman -
masterful flower gardener who succeeded even on the cut-through
corner lot in a neighborhood teeming with kids
Here, in honor of Irene Grossman, we give you
A bug's eye view
Do you recognize these common garden objects when viewed from
the angle of tiny creatures who dwell in nether regions?
As you take the pest's angle, do any helpful insights occur?
Our answers here. We'd also love to hear from
you what you see in the bug's view!
Clue: Half the care, twice the damage!

Clue: Surely the pest would see this
with furrowed brow.

Clue: Tough to get a grip
Our answers here.