Shopping for one who loves a garden? Or maybe you're plotting to
plant a list where it'll be found by someone who is shopping for
you. We were deep into doing both, when we found ourselves:
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Considering gardeners of a certain age
Gorgeous! We'll take one of each, and maybe two of those
delightful wheelbarrows.

Hey, Deb Hall, remember the year we went to several stores to
buy up all of that one brand of kids' shovels and rakes, so we
could make a picket fence edging with them? It was so cute. How
come we don't have a picture of it -- was it the year we worked in
that garden in the pouring rain?
Stocking stuffer… for a kid of ANY age.
Kid, schmid, let's have one of those chameleon watering cans
for US!

Every garden center has kids' stuff. What you may not know is that
every garden center has management of that certain age who love to
gift the little ones. So they are very good at choosing what suits
both garden and child.
The products on this page are all availabe at Plymouth Nursery in Plymouth,
Thinking about kids, we then got to talking about the great
mobiles we've seen, and it struck us that every garden has dozens
of trees, eaves and arbors begging for ornamentation...
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