I am happy that someone asked about the
legality of cutting
winterberry and whether or not it is protected and appreciate
your answer.
I grew up in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) and my dad
worked for the Parks Division of the Department of Natural
Resources for years, so
we learned the Department of Natural Resources
Take nothing but pictures, leave
nothing but footprints
regarding any and all plant material on state owned land (parks,
forests, highway medians and embankments, etc). This even applies
to standing dead and fallen trees -- they are not free
I was reminded of this as we drove north over Thanksgiving
weekend and there is a seemingly endless amount of winterberry
growing all along I-75. It looks like it goes on forever but if we
each thought "I can take just a little, no one will miss it" there
would soon be none left for the wildlife to eat, and for everyone
to enjoy.
Thank you as always for your timely, informative newsletter!
Always a great read and thoroughly enjoyed!!
- D. T. -
You're welcome!
Our folks had a similar saying, used in two situations: When we
had a mind to take something from the wild, or toss litter. It
For shame! What if everyone did
that? Nothing left but a mess!
Pictured here, two favorite places in Michigan, from which
we've taken many pictures:
Above: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Seashore on the Lake
Michigan shore high on the lower peninsula "mitten."
Below: The Escarpment Trail in the Porcupine Mountains
Wilderness Area, far western Upper Peninsula.