Little Kalanchoes demonstrate big word: Phenology

enlarge this imageFraxinus (a.k.a. Fraxy or "get out of there, you!") says she can tell us all about phenology, in the improved snap and crunch of a Kalanchoe that grew where wind, cold and lots of sun kept it stout. It's probably also loaded with extra defensive chemicals that can alter the taste, but she loves to learn such differences!
Winter's a fine time to catch up on
So many thoughts glimmer attractively as we pass by during the
busy growing season, but rarely do we have time to follow them to
their promised light.
For instance, did growing conditions make a huge difference
between two clones of Kalanchoe? We gave away one of three cuttings
received from a friend and want to check now on what we thought we
saw. We couldn't be sure until we arranged to put the two back side
by side.
Phenology: The study of the influence of climate on biological
phenomenon such as variations in fur, bark, or flower.
Look! The one on the left grew in a warm room four feet
away from a south facing window, which was shaded by a porch
The other (right) grew cold and relatively bright
on a south facing metal windowsill.

The colder, brighter plant has thicker, sturdier stems
(arrows, below), more of its varieties' coloration on leaf tips,
and smaller, tougher leaves. The warmer plant is larger with more
fragile stems and less "chocolate" spotting.