Sexy Lily
Prominent parts make Lilium a great botanical
All the flower parts on easily seen and studied!

Lilies are often prepped at the florist shop by removal of the
stamens, or the anthers at the tips of the stamens. It's done
because these "male" parts of the flower will develop bright
colored pollen in yellow, orange, brown or purple (below, orange)
that can fall from arranged flowers or corsages to stain table
linens and bridal dresses.
Above: At the center of the stamens, the single pistil or
female part of a lily flower is also prominent. Its club shaped tip
will become sticky as it matures, able to catch and hold pollen
Below: The arrangement of the flower parts in an individual
flower is what provides the basis of plant relationships -- which
species form a family and genus. Here's a daylily
(Hemerocallis) flower, a cousin of Lilium in the
family Liliaceae. The stamens and pistil (reaching much
further forward than the stamens) are arranged the same