Glimpse of glory, then same old story
Clematis wilt
Whyizzit that...
a clematis will string us along, enticing us with buds, then
collapse with fungal wilt infection just as it begins to bloom?

True, we saw the lower leaves go yellow several days before this
and since the vine's wilted in other years we probably we should've
known it was coming. Yet hope springs eternal!

There are no truly practical preventives, and no cure for an
infected stem. Read about what you can try here... of those, we
usually cut the affected off below the lowest dead leaves
(above, left) and give the plant TLC as it grows back.
Or maybe we should just dig it out. The vine on the other side
of the post (above, right) seems to be resistant, and we
could add a wilt-resistant, small-flowered
clematis instead of this troublemaker. No shame there! Even
many very good nurseries have discontinued growing large flowered
clematis because they are so prone to clematis wilt.