Once in a great while, all the gloves come home to
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Some problems have no solution. All we can do is to share the
pain and ease it a bit with laughter. For instance, whyizzit
...it takes so danged many tries to find a matched pair of
gloves? Just how many single lefts can there be?! And where the
heck do all those right gloves go?!
For a chance at a new pair of great gloves, want to guess how
many flocked at our last glove gather?
Recently, Steven rounded up all of the gloves he found in the
garage. He didn't try to match them up, just threw out every
disreputable, unusable glove, put the rest in a sack and took them
off to the laundromat. Here's what he brought home to sort.

For a chance at a new pair of our favorite gloves, simply
send us your answers to these questions.
- How many total gloves in this pile? ____
- How many complete pairs? ____
- How many unmatched singles? ___
- How many pairs are Steven's? ___
- How many pairs are Janet's? ___
- How many pairs were designated, "Tried those, can't say we
loved 'em; set 'em aside for when friends and helpers need gloves."

Fraxy says, "Whew, that's some stack,
We're taking guesses by email and awarding two pairs of gloves.
Every guess with at least one correct answer goes into a drawing
for the new gloves.
To be advised when we announce the answers and winners:
Go to
this item on the Forum and at far right above the topic title
("Gloverly Interlude"), elect the option "Follow this Topic."
(If you are not already a Forum member you must register as a
member -- upper right on your screen -- to be offered the option to
follow the topic. Membership is free and no strings attached.)

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