Some problems have no solution. All we can do is to share the
pain and ease it a bit with laughter. For instance, whyizzit
Roses are so vicious, even to we who wait on them hand and
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So many insects and fungi aim to make a meal of roses that the
best way to grow this queen of flowers is to visit the shrub daily,
look it over, squish the 6 legged rose eaters and pluck any
infected leaves.
Below: To keep ahead of rose black spot, don't let any of these
black-spot-infected leaves remain in the garden. That way the total
spore count in the area will be less.

Flowers are weak creatures. They are naive. They reassure
themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are
terrible weapons.
- The Little Prince, Antoine de
Saint Exupery -
The rose lives up to its beliefs.
- Janet -

Above: In the year after you plucked faithfully, daily, the
rose will thank you with more foliage and flowers. Both this 'Red
Cascade' mini-rose (left) and the Carefree shrubs roses (right) are
resistant to black spot, but that doesn't mean they are immune.
Even resistant rose varieties like these are prettier and more
floriferous after infected leaves have been taken away.
(Questions about pruning these roses?
Click here for an illustrated article.)
Below: To keep a rose healthy, take off not only leaves
already fading to yellow but any that show signs of infection, even
mild symptoms. Sometimes in fall when dewy mornings give fungus a
boost, this can mean the shrub should be plucked leafless. Never
fear, even its stems are photosynthesizing.