The 45mph garden
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You can put a gardener behind the wheel...
...but you can't take the flowers out of his eyes.
In this department, we look at what catches driver's eyes and
raises questions week by week, and wander off-road into what we can
learn there.
Right, the Catalpa tree (C.
speciosa) sports big, fragrant flowers when many
others trees are done and gone to green. It catches the
Below: Sassafras
creates a three-color glow.

Below, left to right: fruit-bearing crabapples
light up a winter drive; witchhazels cause doubletakes in
Two color crabapples get even more attention.

Above: Late blooming shrubs with big flowers like this
'Tardiva' panicle hydrangea may get the most attention of all
because they're fresh color when summer's gone stale. See the
Ensemble Edition What's
Coming Up 106
for the tale of this beauty in that issue's 45 mph