April 11, 2014
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On those days when our resources lag,
your dollars keep us all growing.
This week
The silver maples flowered, crocuses were as loud in color
as the spring peepers were in voice, the first daffodil opened, all
six weeks late but sooooo lovely. We almost put away our
soil-saving snowshoes... until we took them off and found the soil
still too wet in the very next garden we visited. So we kept them
on to keep cutting, spreading slow release organic fertilizer and
assessing damage, then wrote up reports on as much of that as we
could fit here.
Tomorrow we will be able to begin edging, weeding and
dividing in the warmest and best drained gardens on our beat. We
hope you enjoy your weekend and find a few answers here about what
can be cut back, how far, what's up with the lawn, how to fix
snow-bent arbs and what to expect from the winter burned
For you, for all: Instant answers Saturday, April
We've assembled an answer team to field questions in real
time on the GardenAtoZ.com Forum. If you or someone you know has a
question or puzzle, Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is a
great time to go out with that smart phone, take a photo and post
it on our Forum for a right-now answer. We are always glad to help
you by email or phone but we're especially excited about this use
of our Forum, and look forward to a lively get-together with our
team of instructors and alumni from our Gardening School era.
Spread the word, please!
Coming Soon on our Forum main page, How to be part of
Instant Answers.
It's one of the most important things we do in spring.
This includes:
Barberry cut all the way to the
ground: Why, how, when.
Boxwood kept shapely, healthy and
Ornamental grasses, simplest cuts
plus an alternative to laborious division.
Holly: How to clip it (or
rhodo/azalea/Pieris), especially after winter-burn
Roses: How, why to cut now not late
Suckers from roots and bases of trees
Yews: Pruning what winter burned
Lawn's an odd color...
White?! Pink?! Scribbled in serpentine lines? Dotted with
cow pies or alien droppings... We can't be blamed for finding it
odd to see lawn after so many months of solid snow, but there are a
number of seriously unusual things making an appearance on lawn. We gather them
together at Lawn odd color.
A stumper, all right: Why pinch when it forces us to
Quit putting up with snow-splayed
You don't have to tie them, tent them, or treat them
specially. Just prop and prune per this excellent photo
Green Thumbs up for
Time to grow
Few things are more fun or rewarding. Start some seeds
this weekend, begin eating your own produce in just a few
Instant answer day: Advice in 140 characters or less
On Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. we'll be
providing instant answers on our Forum. We hope you will come help,
or spread the word to those who want answers right away to yard
work mysteries such as, "What is this?!" "Can I cut this down?" and
"Is this a weed, or what?" Go to the Forum for details!
We gladly give our time to bring you
but we rely on your help to keep at it. Please
Sponsor us
and help pay the bills for website hosting,
programming support, computer upgrades,
camera repairs and more.

If something we've written or shown
has saved you time and money, please
consider Sponsoring that article or one like
All it takes is an email to us.
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Sponsorship and then
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