Steven prunes falsecypresses
Courageous for the sake of fine conifers
Here's something for those of you who have said, "You can prune
how much off of that? Really?!" and "I'm not brave
enough to cut so much." In this situation, Steven hesitated, too.
What turned the tide? The fact that the option was outright
removing the plants.
Two falsecypresses (Chamaecyparis obtusa varieties) had
overgrown their places in a wonderful garden. The owner said
"They're crowding out other good plants. I'll take them out and
plant new."
Steven said, "Please, let's prune them first. I think they're
quite salvageable!"
Here are the plants before and after, with some outlines to help
you sort out the falsecypresses from this garden's verdant
Falsecypress #1, before and after

Do we hear you saying, "Aw, it lost that feathery
light green edge"? Well, yes, it's gone for this year, because
almost all of the newest, lightest green foliage had to be pruned
Those needles would have darkened as they matured. Enjoying
that new growth is one reason we wait until August to do most of
our keep-it-small evergreen pruning. In this case, it was prune now
or never! The new foliage will emerge light green again
next spring.
Falsecypress 2, before and after. Cheryl holds the old