...and other questions about operations here on the new
What is a Sponsor? Can I be one? - T.T. -
Anyone can Sponsor. We do need and appreciate the help.
- Go to the Market, to
Become a GardenAtoZ
- Copy the email form there, and complete it:
- Choose from suggested amounts or write in what you can
- Tell us if there is a particular page or topic that should bear
your Sponsorship message.
- Email it to us.
- We'll post your Sponsor message and send you a bill for your
I think I found the old issues of your newsletter. Am I
right, are they all in Ensemble Weekly Editions? You could
mark them more clearly - M.A. -
Yup, they're our Ensemble Weekly Editions. Find them
there by issue number on the departmental cover page, or from the
list on the appropriate seasonal title page. Or do a Search.
We couldn't bear to call them "old" or "archives." It sounded so
dusty. Yet in our own garden work we still refer to information
there that we gathered and wrote out 20+ years ago. We aimed for it
to be long-lived stuff, right from the start. So we wouldn't have
to repeat.
So far, about 300 of our 1,000+ back issues are there. We add
more as we have time or Sponsors call up particular issues. (You
can be a Sponsor and call up useful pages for everyone, for as
little as $30.) We're also beginning to move some of this year's
articles into that Ensemble section in one-week bundles as newer
news fills the upper registers.
Thanks for asking. We'll keep looking for ways to help others
find them.
Is the newsletter going to go away and there will be
just the website? - S.W. -
The email newsletter will continue. Everyone who is a subscriber
or who subscribes new will keep hearing
from us weekly.
We're transforming the weekly email-plus-attached-pdf into a
simple email. It will be an executive summary with links to the
complete articles at the site.
We've loved the newsletters as pdf's but we're thrilled with
this new format. On the site we do not have the restrictions on
photos we have had in email and pdf. Also, we can make quick
connections on the site between today's news and related items
everywhere in our library and off-site, too.
So you'll continue to get a pdf for a while, as we help all our
readers make the transition. By issue #180 what you will be in the
weekly email will be gist and gateway to the whole story on the
Maybe by then we'll be caught up to "Weekly" again, too. It's
hard to stay on time when we are double publishing the
Below: Steven shoots a red horsechestnut bud.
When we have time for learning and writing we'd rather spend
it shooting and digging and researching, not writing the same
material in two different programs. Once we finish the current
transition to our website, we'll have more time because we
will not create the pdf format of the newsletter.
Here's Steven grinning about that, and actually getting some
photos done for an article two issues ahead! (Care for a sneak