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This week in Janet & Steven's
Quick run-down of what to do,
Green thumbs up, green thumbs down:
Our picks and pokes from
the horticultural arena.
Tip cuttings: Great tips, cool quotes and links to more from
our forum.
Mentors' magic: Quotes, quips and other treasures
gleaned from those who've grown on before us.
Aiming for answers: Hit or Miss. Confirmation and
controversy! There is no single right way to garden.
The 45mph garden: Glimpsed as you drive
by. Mysteries solved, ideas sown.
Big mistake, big lesson: Gardeners learn by
doing... especially when we goof up. Learn from
those who fell before you.
Stumper: Whyizzit that... Sometimes all you can
do is laugh!
Scrabbling in the garden: Definitions for cool
terms useful in a garden and on a game board.
Expert afield: Reports from gardens you should
Ensemble editions: Surf an extensive library, many
years of weekly e-zines, each a collection of all the departments.
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