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Winter daydream, great design, pp. 1 - 2
Conversation with a designer, pp. 3 - 4
Need some back issues? Page 4
Gifts that won't spade away, pages 5 - 6
Shovel v. spade, page 6
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Create some holiday light, pp. 7 - 9 & 10
Cast some blessed winter shade, page 9
Asking you for leafy curses
and garden verses! Page 9
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Acer, maple
Acer palmatum WU121 Pg 9
Amsonia, bluestar
fall color WU121 Pg 1, 4
broadleaf evergreen, See Evergreens, See also individual plant
Cercis, redbud
Cercis canadensis WU121 Pg 9
Chamaecyparis, false cypress
cut for winter decoration WU121 Pg 8
gold foliage centerpiece WU121 Pg 3
defined WU121 Pg 3
containers, pots and planters
winter decorations WU121 Pg 7-9
Cornus florida, flowering dogwood WU121 Pg 9
Cornus mas 'Variegata', variegated Cornelian cherry WU121 Pg
Cornus sericea, gold leaf redtwig dogwood WU121 Pg 4
Cornus stolonifera, redosier dogwood WU121 Pg 1, 8
choosing plants WU121 Pg 2-4
compared to interior design, living room WU121 Pg 2
winter interest
holiday decorations from your garden WU121 Pg 10
plants that glow in low angle winter light WU121 Pg 10
winter offers great design opportunity WU121 Pg 1
edging/cutting an edge, See Weeding
broadleaf evergreen, defined WU121 Pg 9
cuttings for decorations WU121 Pg 7-9
Fagus, beech WU121 Pg 9
ornamental species, short WU121 Pg 4
Hamamelis, witchhazel
Hamamelis 'Jelena' WU121 Pg 4
Ilex, holly
determining plant sex WU121 Pg 7
cut for winter decoration WU121 Pg 8
Malus, apple/crabapple
Malus sargentii, Sargent crabapple WU121 Pg 2, 3
newsletter administration
back issues WU121 Pg 4
obtaining plants
availability impacts design WU121 Pg 4
Picea, spruce
cut for winter decoration WU121 Pg 8
cut for winter decoration WU121 Pg 8
evergreens for winter decorations WU121 Pg 7-9
Rhus, sumac
Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eye' WU121 Pg 4
Salix, willow
Salix matsudana 'Torulosa', twisted willow/dragon's claw WU121 Pg
Sedum 'Angelina' WU121 Pg 3
Sedum kamschaticum, orange stonecrop WU121 Pg 3
Taxus, yew
Taxus x media 'Everlow' yew WU121 Pg 3
gifts WU121 Pg 5
local sources best WU121 Pg 6
Gardenviews Store, Northville, MI WU121 Pg 6
local hardware store WU121 Pg 6
on-line sources
A.M. Leonard WU121 Pg 5
Clarington Forge WU121 Pg 5
shovel vs. spade WU121 Pg 6
spade WU121 Pg 5
edging tool WU121 Pg 5
willow, twisted willow, See Salix
winter protection
shade screens for trunks and roots WU121 Pg 9

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